Chapter 2 - The Meeting

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The ship left the kingdom of Corona for seven months now, and all the while, had skirted the African coast, then crossed the Indian Ocean, and passed north of Australia. The trip was very long and tiring for many, but eventually they managed to reach the islands of Polynesia. On board, the atmosphere seemed to be back to solid and the men of the crew began to regain confidence and were eager to finally set foot on land after those long months on the boat. Rapunzel and Flynn were also happy to finally be able to leave the ship, and watched the crew prepare the rowboat that would take a small group to the island to replenish fresh water. However, one man in particular did not show a cheerful face, Captain Wagner, with his dark eyes, left his cabin to see where the preparations were. He glanced sideways at Rapunzel, who pretended nothing and made an innocent face and a rather satisfied smile.

- "Really, I can not believe that I agreed to take you without the permission of your father the king ..... Do you know what I risk, princess?!" the captain said on the verge of nervous breakdown. Flynn tried to calm him down, but the captain was clearly not in a position to do so. Rapunzel was angry gainst herself at putting him in this situation, but she could not resist this call of adventure. She nevertheless decided to try to reassure Wagner.

- "Captain, believe me, I'm really sorry. I swear to you that when we get back to Corona, I will take full responsibility and make sure you keep your job."

The captain gave a heavy sigh and leaned on the railing.

- "It's easy for you to say that .... You are the princess, his only daughter, he will never do you any harm .... But me, I am the perfect scapegoat. At the moment I would be back at the docks, he will have me thrown into prison for the rest of my life!"

- "The king will never do that ..." Flynn assured him by patting him on the shoulder "...We will talk to him and make him understand that I and Rapunzel are the only ones responsible."

The young princess of Corona nodded in reply to her husband. The captain looked at them both, then, sighing again, agreed to trust them, not without showing the doubts engraved on his face. Rapunzel then turned her attention to this island closer and closer. This natural beauty, surrounded by this water so pure, so crystalline ... It was like discovering paradise .... Rapunzel watched with shining eyes, but suddenly, saw smokes rose from behind the thick layer of trees bordering the beach. The crew noticed it too and the captain stepped forward.

- "It seems that there is already someone on this island." Rapunzel told him.

- "Native people, probably...." Wagner answered, without showing the slightest concern "... Nothing to fear, and if they are violent, we have something to calm them down." he pointed and patted the pistol and saber on his belt. Rapunzel did not seem very convinced. the idea of coming to an island and killing the inhabitants made her shudder with horror. Was Wagner really ready to go at this point? Some of his most loyal men seemed to be pistol and knife specialists too. Rapunzel knew that in the past Wagner had been a great military leader of the kingdom and had fought against pirates many times, but that he had also been a slave trader in his youth, and that he had wanted to repent in engaging himself in the Royal Navy...

- "Captain ..." Flynn remarked "... we are here to discover a new land, not to kill innocent natives."

The captain chuckled amusedly.

- "Of course, of course ..." he said, patting Flynn's shoulder "... But as captain of this ship, I'm also responsible for your safety. We will stay calm, if the natives do the same, otherwise we will have to act ... But I obviously pray that we do not have to do it ..."

Wagner was reassuring and went to his men to talk to them. Flynn felt unconvinced, suspicious of Wagner. Rapunzel had her hands leaning against the rail and was still watching the fires from the forest. Although she was a little scared, the idea of meeting natives fascinated her as much.

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