Logan Story Part 1

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Logan Story (Part 1)

*Logan's POV*

I watch as she walks in the cafeteria and takes a seat with her friends. I didn't know much about her but I've seen her around school. She seems nice, sweet and mostly shy. I want to talk to her... but I still haven't had the guts to go up to her and do it.

*Your POV*

He was staring at me again... I don't even know the guy and he's always staring at me. But I had to admit, I couldn't help myself from staring at him as well... He's got a smile that could light up this whole town, and his eyes sparkle every time he laughs.

"He's looking at you again" Jasmine says.

I was doing my Math homework, when I hear Jasmine tell me that I look up and he was staring at me. He slightly smiles at me but I get to shy and look down.

"I don't even know the guy" I say still looking down.

"Well apparently he thinks your pretty cause he's always staring you."

I look up again, he was talking to one of his friends, suddenly he glances at me again. We lock eyes for about 3 seconds before I look away.

"Go talk to him" Jasmine says as she places a chip in her mouth.

"What? No you're crazy..."

"Why not? He's really good looking"

"Yeah he is... but... I just can't"

"Why not?"

"I guess I'd rather him say something first."

"Ah, I see"


"How about I go up to him and tell him to talk to you"

She stood up but I grabbed her arm and pulled her back down.

"What do you think you're doing!" I quietly shout at her. she laughs.

"Trying to get him to talk to you"

"Please don't Jasmine"

"Why? Don't you wanna talk to him?"

"Yeah but - "

Before I finished my sentence the bell rang, it was time to go to class.

"I'll see you during lunch ok" I say as I give Jasmine a hug.


We each go our separate ways. I was thinking about that guy way too much. I mean... I don't even know his name, grade or anything! I'm crazy.

"Are you ok?" someone asks bringing me out of my thoughts.

I look up and see my teacher Mr. Nogami standing in front of me.

"Oh... um actually I was wondering if I could go to the nurse"

"What's wrong"

"I'm not feeing to good, my head hurts and I have this urge to throw up"

"Yeah, you look a little pail"


Mr. Nogami writes me a pass to the nurse. I pack all my stuff and head out. When I step out of the classroom, the guy walked out of the boys bathroom...

"My Dream Became Reality" A Logan Henderson Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now