Logan Story Part 35

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Logan Story (Part 35)

*Your POV*

"I have to go Logan"

I didn't let him say anything... before he even had the chance I hanged up on him.

"What did he want?"

"He... He was just telling me how he wants me to go back"

"Are you gonna go back?"

"No" I say as I take my glass from his hand.

"Do you love him?"

"I don't know... I'm so confused right now"

"Do you mind me asking what happened?"

"It's kind of a long story... It all goes back to when I didn't even know Logan"

"I'm so confused? What do you mean before you knew Logan?"

"Making it short... Kendall and Logan had something going on since Junior year."

"And how do you come into all of this?"

I stand up lean against the balcony.

"Well Logan was using me to get back at Kendall for what he did"

"Ok, I think I kind of understand."

"Sorry, it's just that I don't want to get into details on why all of this is happening. I guess the thing you should know is that Logan and I are over and I don't think we'll be getting back together."

"Does that mean that you'll give other guys a chance"

"I don't know..." I sigh and cross my hands in front of my chest. "Um... I think I probably will, I mean maybe dating other guys will help me forget about Logan."

"Yeah..." he stands up and walks towards me. "Would.... Would you give me a chance?" he asked.

I stare at him, not knowing what to answer.

"I could help you forget about Logan... Forever"

He slowly starts leaning in, just as he was about to kiss me there was a knock on the door. He sighs and heads inside and I follow him. I was thankful that we were interrupted. When he opened the door Logan was standing there.

"What are you doing here?" Maximilian asked.

I stepped closer to Maximilian, Logan walked right past Maximilian and grabbed my arm.

"What are you doing with this idiot?" he asks me.

"Logan you're hurting me let go"

"Why are you with him" he asks again.

"Dude she said let her go" Maximilian said.

Logan let's go of my arm but to turn around and punch Maximilian on his jaw making him fall down to the floor.

"Logan!" I shout.

"You've better not done anything to her because I WILL fuck you up! Did you hear me!" Logan yelled at Maximilian.

"My Dream Became Reality" A Logan Henderson Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now