Logan Story Part 32

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Logan Story (Part 32)

*Logan's POV*

She pushed me back and went to grab her suitcase. I take a sip of my wine then place my glass on the center table.

"No, I can't stay with you. I don't wanna be with someone who's only playing with my feelings"

"(YN) I'm not playing with your feelings"

"How can I be sure! Logan... You even admitted it!"

"But I told you that I'm serious now.... (YN) I -"

"Please Logan" she interrupts me. "Why don't you just... Just go find yourself a girl who will fall for all your lies."

I groan in frustration.

"I'm not lying, what will it take for you to believe me?"

"Nothing, I can't... I'm sorry but I can't believe you..." She says.

I lean against the door and place my hands in my front pockets.

"Logan... Let me trough"

"You swore you weren't gonna leave me" I say

"I know I did... But that was before I knew what you were doing, before I knew your plan."

"Why are you making it so complicated!" I shout at her, but then regret it. She looked terrified.

"What am I making complicated!" she shouts back.

"Being with you! You make being with you so complicated, why can't you let me in and understand that I want to be with you! Screw what happened in the past all I want to think about is my future, and you're part of it. (YN)..." I walk towards her. " If you leave I won't have a future" I lean in and kiss her.

She didn't kiss me back, she pushed me away and slapped me.

"Don't touch me!" she yells.

"Alright... You know what" I open the door. "If you want to leave then go ahead! Screw this, I tried telling you I'm being serious with you, but if you don't want to understand that then just go."

She didn't move nor say anything.

"What the hell are you waiting for! Go!!" I shout at her.

She tightens her grip around her suitcase. I move aside leaving the front door exposed for her to walk out. As she steps out the front door a single tear rolls down her cheek. I was about to close the door but she turned around.

"For the record... I hate you Logan... I hate you with all my heart" she hissed trough her teeth.

She wiped the tear away, turned around and walked away.

"But I love you..." I whisper so low where she couldn't hear me.

"My Dream Became Reality" A Logan Henderson Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now