Logan Story Part 26

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Logan Story (Part 26)

*Logan's POV*

(YN) and I reach the restaurant. We walk inside hand in hand and Jacqueline calls us. She was sitting at a table that was in the middle of the restaurant with Maximilian and Alexander.

"Hey guys!" she shouts.

"Look I found them" (YN) says.

I laugh because she was showing no interest. When we reach the table where all three of them were at I notice something. Maximilian kept staring at (YN). Not once did he take his eyes off of her.

"You look nice" Jacqueline told (YN).

"Yes, absolutely stunning" Maximilian added.

"Take a seat" Alexander said standing up and helping (YN) sit down.

"We're glad you guys could make it" Jacqueline said.

She started this whole conversation, which I wasn't paying much attention too. I was just looking at Maximilian who was glaring at (YN). I noticed him giving (YN) these looks. And I know that I wasn't supposed to get jealous, because I was just with (YN) to get back at Kendall but... I was extremely jealous.

"Let's go dance" Alexander told Jacqueline.

Jacqueline and Alexander leave to the dance floor. It was now (YN), Maximilian and me at the table.

"You look so nice" Maximilian told (YN)

"Thanks" she replied.

She looks up at me and then holds my hand. I smile and lean in to kiss her.

"Let's dance" she says.

She stands up with my hand still in hers and she leads the way to the dance floor. When we reach the dance floor a slow dance started playing. I place my hands on (YN)'s waist and she wraps her arms around my neck.

"What do you think of that Maximilian guy" I ask her.

"Jacqueline's brother?"


"Oh" she smiles and brings her hands to my cheeks holding my face close to hers. "Well, let's see... He is very handsome, and he's a real gentleman"


"But he's got nothing on you" she said pressing her forehead on mine. "I noticed that you were staring at him a lot, I kinda figured that you were jealous."

"Well yeah he would stop staring at you" I admitted.

"I only have eyes for you, you've got nothing to worry about" she said before leaning in and kissing me.

(YN) and I danced a couple of songs before heading back to the table.

"Ima go to the bathroom" I tell her.

She nods, kisses me and goes and sits wit the rest of them.

*Your POV*

"Where's Logan?" Maximilian asks as soon as I reach tue table.

"He's in the bathroom" I say

Just like Logan said, I noticed that Maximilian was staring at me a lot. After a minute or two Logan came back and sat down with us. We were all surprisingly laughing and having a great time. Though... I started to notice something weird about Logan. He was acting different. He was being all crazy and loud. And at times he laughed for no reason.

"Logan were you drinking" I whispered on his ear.

He looked at me and smiled.

"No baby" he said.

"I don't believe you" I said.

I didn't believe him, but... I've been with him the whole time and he hasn't been drinking anything but lemonade like me.... What's going on with him?

"You don't believe me?" he said.

"No" I reply.

"Well maybe this will help you believe me"

He leans in and kisses me deeply. When he leans back Jacqueline was staring. I smile and peck his lips one more time.

"Do I taste like beer to you" he said. "Or any kind of liquor"


Well... He certainly wasn't drunk.

After a few more hours of hanging out wit Jacqueline, Alexander and Maximilian, Logan and I decided to leave. I was driving because Logan seemed a bit... Tipsy.

"Logan, if you didn't drink why are you acting so.. Crazy"

"What, babe... This is the real me." he said.

As I'm driving back to the hotel, Logan has his Han on my thighs and is kissing my neck. It's quite distracting. After a few minutes we finally reach our suite. Logan holds my hand and leads me to the room.

"I wanna be with you" he moans as he kisses my neck intensively.

I sigh in pleasure because of what Logan is doing. I realized that he was probably doing this because he was drunk... I push him on the bed and kiss his lips.

"Go to sleep" I whisper.

"No" he moans.

He holds my waist and pulls me on top of him. He sits down with me still on top of him and he starts kissing my neck. I feel his hands behind me, Logan then starts to unzip my dress. He's kissing my neck down to my shoulders as he caresses my body. I couldn't help myself, I bring my body closer to him and kiss his neck as I undo his tie. Logan hands slip under my dress and start to pull it up. My hands move down to his coat. I slowly start pulling it off when I feel something on the inside pocket of his coat. I lean back and stare at him. He had his eyes locked on my lips. I pull out what was in his coat and gasp.


"Hmmm" he moans.

"Are you... Are you doing drugs?!"


Logan doing drugs!? Let me know what you guys think of the story so far! Nice twist or not?!

Give me your feedback don't matter if it's good or bad!

Need to know what to change in the story or if I'm doing ok!!!

Your feedback is what keeps the story going!!!

"My Dream Became Reality" A Logan Henderson Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now