Logan Story Part 12

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Logan Story (Part 12)

*Your POV*

Even if I said yes, I knew Kendall wouldn't allow it. Logan and him had this rivalry going on and I needed to figure out why. What happened between them two? Logan might tell me...

"I don't know Logan"

"It'll just be me and you, we'll have a great time, I promise" he said.

I stay quiet for a few minutes.

"Please" Logan says.

"Ok but with one condition..."

"What's that?"

"I need you to tell me what happened between you and Kendall"


"You heard me"

"Nothing happened"

"Logan there has to be a reason why you and Kendall don't get along... And plus... Kendall already told me that something happened"

"Alright well why didn't he tell you?"

"He said to ask you... And unless you tell me what happened then I won't give you an answer"

I hear him sigh.

"Alright" he says after a few minutes.

"You'll tell me?"

"Yea, just... Not trough the phone"

"Ok we can talk tomorrow at school" I say.

"Sounds good"

"Well... I guess I better go back to sleep if I wanna wake up in the morning"

"Sorry for waking you up" Logan said with an apologetic tone.

"It's fine"

"Um, good night"

"Night" I smile.

We hang up and I fall asleep with a smile in my face.

*Logan's POV*

I stand outside the school in front of my car waiting for (YN) to get here. I see a black Mustang park right next to my red Camaro. I stare at the until the passenger car seat opens. I see a beautiful girl step out. She has straight Hmong hair that reacher down to her hip bones. Her eyes are a beautiful light green, and she has a body to die for. The driver door opens and and a guy steps out. The girls glances at me and smiles when she sees me staring at her. I smile back.

"I'm done arguing with you every morning" she says.

"We wouldn't have this problem if you would just listen!" he shouts at her and walks away.

He walks away and she leans against the car. She runs her fingers trough her beautiful blond hair and then looks at me.

"You ok?" I ask a little concerned.

"I'm fine" she smiles and comes to stand next to me.

"Is that your boyfriend?" I ask

"Oh heavens no" she laughs. "That's my brother Maximilian"

"Ah ok" I smile and stare at her. "How come I've never seen you around school?"

"Um maybe cause were in different classes?" she says.

"Yeah, probably" I rub the back of my head.

She laughs and places her hair behind her ear.

"I'm Logan" I say extending my hand.

"Nice to meet you Logan... I'm Jacqueline" she smiles as she takes my hand.

"My Dream Became Reality" A Logan Henderson Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now