Logan Story Part 40

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Logan Story (Part 40)

*Logan's POV*

"What about them?" I ask

"Can I sit down?"

"Oh ah yeah, yeah go ahead. Would you like anything to drink? Something to eat?"

"Do you have wine?" she asks.

I walk to the counter and pull out the bottle of wine. I fill her glass with wine and hand it to her.


"Ok, now now tell me. What about (YN) and your brother?"

"Well earlier today when I was fixing Max's wounds he told me that (YN) was staying with him"

"Yeah I already knew that"

"I'm not done" she says taking a sip of her wine. "Max and I were talking and he told me that he was planning on winning (YN)'s heart."


"Yeah, he said that he likes her and that he wants to date her... And that he won't stop until he gets her to date him"

"Hold on... Jacqueline can I ask you why you're telling me this?"

"Damn it Logan let me finish"

"Geez sorry"

"The thing is... I can't stand (YN). I dislike her so much." she hisses. "Max is my brother and I don't want him dating her. I couldn't stand seeing them two as a couple."

"Why don't you like her?"



"Because you were dating her. From the first time I saw you at the school parking lot I started to like you... But you were so into her and I became jealous of her, of how much you liked her."

"So you're jealous of her and that's why you don't want her dating your brother?"

"Was, I was jealous of her. I don't like you anymore and you two broke up so there's no reason to be jealous now. Plus I have Alexander, he's an amazing boyfriend"

"Not to be mean but I personally don't care. And I will ask you one more time, why are you telling me all this?"

"Ugh, Logan think. Do you want Max to be with your beloved (YN)?"

"Well no"

"And I don't want Max with her either, so why don't we do something about it and split them up. That way you can keep her all to yourself"

"You're actually gonna help me get her back?"

"Like I told you, I don't want him dating her so I will do anything to keep them apart. Plus she doesn't like him, I know she really likes you"


"Yes, I saw the way she looked at you when we all went out for dinner. And at school her eyes would lit up every tome she would see you. She's really into you Logan so don't let her go"

"Are you just saying that?"

"You may think that I'm a horrible person but.. Logan this time I'm speaking the truth. You could even say she loves you..."

"Loves me? I don't think so, she's never told me she does"

"Maybe because she's scared of saying it, she's probably waiting for you to say it first Logan"

"You think so?"

"I know so"

"Well... Jacqueline how do you plan on keeping them apart?"

"I already have a plan" she smiles.

"My Dream Became Reality" A Logan Henderson Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now