Logan Story Part 52

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Logan Story (Part 52)

*Your POV*

We don't go back to the hotel where Maximilian was staying at. We go to a house up on top of a mountain.

"Why are we here?"

"Cause I'm not stupid. I know that Logan's gonna go looking for you after he finds you you're missing, and the first place he's going to go look is the hotel where I was staying. You have to think (YN)."

I wonder if Logan was looking for me? If he was, I hope he finds out that Maximilian took me. Thought it wouldn't be hard to figure out... unless he thought that I left him.

"What are you thinking about" he asks as he opens the front door for me to come in.

"About what Logan's going to do when he finds out"

"He won't know where were at by then" he smiles and kisses my cheek.

He lets go of my arm and looks at me up and down.

"I'm gonna go change" he said as he started walking upstairs. "Oh" he said turning around "And don't even try running away, I've got security guards all over the house" he winked then left.

This wasn't even a house, it seemed more like a mansion... it was huge. I look around and notice a few men outside the window. Wow, he really did have security guards all over the place. I sigh and make my way to a room which seemed to be the living room.

"This is huge..." I say looking around.

I take a seat on the couch and just wait there... what else was I supposed to do?

"Babe!" Maximilian shouts.

I roll my eyes and sigh as I cross my hands in front of my chest.

"Where are you darling" I hear him say as he walks in the living room.

"Don't call me that" I hiss.

"Babe or darling?"


He smiles and takes a seat next to me. Maximilian takes my hands in his and kisses them, he kisses up my arm and then my cheek.

"Max stop" I stand up and start walking away.

He roughly pulls my arm and pulls me towards him. Maximilian starts kissing me roughly

"Max stop!" I say pushing him back.

I tried running away but in my attempt I trip on the carpet that was laid out on the living room and I fall down to the floor. Maximilian takes his shirt off and climbs on top off me. He starts to take my shirt off as he's kissing my neck. I keep screaming and yelling but he wouldn't get off of me and no one would come and help.

"Stop resisting!" he shouts.

"I don't want to be with you!"

He wouldn't listen, he started touching me and kissing me forcefully. Suddenly there I heard shouting, I guess he heard it as well because he stopped what he was doing and stood up. He looked down at me then grabbed his shirt.

"Stay here" he said putting his shirt on.

I stand up and quietly follow him. Maybe I could make a run for it.

"What's going on!" Maximilian shouts as he opens the front door.

Next thing I know Maximilian was on the floor holding his cheek. I look up and see Logan.

"Logan!" I shout and run towards him.

"Are you ok?" he asks observing me.

I couldn't help it, I was so terrified that I was shaking like crazy. Logan holds me tight.

"What was he doing to you?" he asks again.

"He... he was trying to" I didn't even have the guts to finish.

Logan's eyes widen when he heard me say that. He climbs on top of Maximilian and starts hitting him just like he had last time. Only difference is that this time I didn't stop him. One of Maximilian's security guards grabbed Logan and punched him making him fall to the ground. Maximilian stands up and orders the security guard to take me to the car. Maximilian followed us, he got in the back seat with me.

"I told you that you would never be with him." he said as he ordered the security to drive.

"My Dream Became Reality" A Logan Henderson Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now