Logan Story Part 56

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Logan Story (Part 56) LAST PART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Your POV*

I see Carlos run up to me and punch Maximilian, Carlos then pulls me away from him. I turn around and see Alexander. I smile and turn to face Logan.

"What the hell are you doing!" A girl says.

I turn around and see Jacqueline next to Alexander. Alexander hands the gun to the police who was standing all over the front yard. Jacqueline walks inside the house and looks around.

"Are you guys ok?" she asks.

"Were fine" Carlos responds.

"Where's James?" Kendall asks.

"He's upstairs, he was calling the police" Carlos says as James is walking down stairs.

I look at Maximilian and he's staring at me as the police are handcuffing him.

"I love you" he says.

I feel an arm around my shoulders and turn around and see Logan. I smile and hug him.

"I'm sorry but I love Logan" I tell him.

Maximilian tried getting away from the cops but they dropped him to the floor.

"Take him away" Jacqueline says.

The officers listen and they take Maximilian away. We all stand outside watching the car cop drive away with Maximilian inside. Jacqueline hugs Alexander and she rests her head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry..." she says.

I look at her confused and she comes up to me and hugs me.

"I didn't think my brother was crazy... I'm so sorry for whatever he did to you guys" she said as he looked at all of us.

"It's ok" I say.

"Look, I'll repair anything he broke, I'll... I don't know but I'll do something to apologize for all of this" she says.

"Don't worry about it Jacqueline" I smile. "Just make sure he doesn't do anything to anyone else again and that should be enough"

She smiles and hugs me.

"Alexander and I have to go now..." she said holding his hand. "Hope to see you guys around?"

"Of course" I smile.

We watch them as they drive away. Logan wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my cheek.

"I missed you" he whispered.

I pull away from him and look at Kendall. He was staring at us. Kendall sighs and runs his fingers trough his hair.

"Listen, if you really like him.... and if he SWEARS to not hurt you then... I guess... it's aright if you two date" Kendall said.

My mouth drops open and I smile from ear to ear. I run up to Kendall and hug him. He laughs and hugs me back.

"I love you!" I tell him.

"Love you too sis" He replies.

"Thank you two for helping out" I tell Carlos and James as I go up to them and give them a hug.

"No problem" they both say hugging me back

I look back at Logan and he extends his hand for me to take.

"I'll bring her back later tonight" he tells Kendall as our hands entwine with each other.

We get in his car and he drives to the beach. We walk all the way to shore and we stand there looking at the sunset. I was looking out at sea, but I noticed that he was staring at me and I smile.

"I love you" I hear him say.

I turn around to face him. I place my hand on his cheek and stare into his eyes.

"I love you too" I reply.

I was going to lean in to kiss him but he held me back. I furrow my eye brows and stare at him. He takes my hand and leads me into the water.

"Logan it's cold!" I say laughing.

We were standing to where the water reached up to our waists, and when the waves came in the water would go up to our chests. He picked me up bridal style. I look up to his eyes and he was staring at my lips.

"You're the only one I love and the only one I ever want to be with" he whispers.

"You are the only one that I want to be with" I whisper back.

He smiles and kisses me as he's still carrying me, my hands are around his neck and I'm pulling him down closer. He sighs and leans back. He looks up at the sky and smiles.

"What" I ask.

"You're so beautiful" he whispers in my ear.

I smile and kiss him.

"I LOVE YOU!!" he shouts at the top of his lungs as he's looking up at the sky.

He lets me go and I stand in front of him. He holds my face and leans his forehead on mine.

"I love you" he whispers.

Logan leans in and kisses me as the waves come up to us and splash us under the sunset....



I hope you guys enjoyed each and every single part of the story just as much as I enjoyed writing it for you guys!!!

So much love to all my readers!! -Nicole

The next part to my next story will be uploaded soon :) its gonna be a Carlos story. I had already promised someone I would :)

"My Dream Became Reality" A Logan Henderson Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now