Logan Story Part 42

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Logan Story (Part 42)

*Your POV*

"Mr. Ross nice to meet you" I say when Maximilian drags me over to him.

"Call me Stephen. Max has told me so much about you"

"Really? I hope all the things he says are good" I laugh and he laughs with me.

"Oh yes, they are all good"

A few paparazzi come over and they take pictures of Stephen, Maximilian and I together.

"I need to go greet the other guests, it was nice meeting you" Stephen says.

"Oh the pleasure was all mine" I say shaking his hand. "Max can we go sit down, all the lights are bugging me."

"Yeah" he laughs wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

I had never been any where like this. There are so many people and all the paparazzi... This was crazy.

"How come you never told me that Stephen Ross is your father?"

"Well" he says pulling a chair out for me to sit. "Because I thought that if I told you, you would date me because of my money."

"Max I would never do anything like that" I smile.

"Now I know, that's why I brought you here so you could meet him" he leans in and kisses me.

"So Maximilian Ross huh?" I smile.

"Yeah" he laughed. "I'm part of the Ross family"

"Wow, who would have ever thought that you're Stephen's son"

"I don't really tell people, I don't let it all get to my head" he turns to where Jacqueline was posing for all the paparazzi with her boyfriend Alexander. "Jacqueline on the other hand... She's a different sorry. She's got such an ego and she let's all this money thing get to her head"

"I think she likes me now" I tell him.

"Yeah, I noticed that as well."

"I have to admit... She's got a very good taste in clothes"

"This dress that she bought you fits you perfectly, you look stunning" he says.

"Thank you" I smile and look down.

Maximilian holds my face and kisses me. Kissing him didn't feel the same as when I kissed Logan... Logan kissed me with so much passion... I loved feeling Logan's soft lips against mine and having his hands caress my body as he kisses me. I shake my hand getting all of Logan's thoughts out of my mind.

"Let's dance" Maximilian says taking my hands and leading me to the dance floor.

He places his hands on my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. He moves me slightly at the musics rhythm. He pushes me closer to him. I place my head on his shoulder and close my eyes enjoying this moment.

"I want to stay like this forever with you" I hear him say. "The moment you said yes to me, you made me the happiest guy on earth. You're one special girl" he said.

I look up at him and he brings his head down pressing his forehead on mine.

"Thanks, you're pretty amazing yourself" I tell him.

He smiles and kisses me again.

"Max!" Someone shouts

Maximilian and I turn around and Jacqueline was coming.

"Max come! The paparazzi want a picture of the whole family"

"Come on (YN)" Max says.

"Just family" Jacqueline said.

"It's ok, I'll be at the table" I smile and kiss his cheek.

"Ok" he kisses my cheek as well and leaves with Jacqueline.

I sat down at the table by myself waiting for Maximilian to come back.

"Would you like to dance" someone whispers in my ear.

I turn around and Logan was standing behind me.

"My Dream Became Reality" A Logan Henderson Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now