Logan story Part 20

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Logan Story Part 20

Your POV

Logan and I were heading downstairs hoping Kendall would be there.

"Where is he? " I say standing in the middle of the living room.

Logan stands Behind me and holds my waist.

"Maybe he's in his room." He says

"Hm, maybe" I turn around and face him. "I'll be back. Stay here"

"Alright." He Winks and sits down on the couch.

I smile, shake my head and make my way to Kendalls room.

"Kendall." I say knocking on his door.

He didn't answer.

"Kendall?" I say again.

Still no answer. I open his room door but he wasn't in there. I sign in relief. Frankly, I didn't want to tell him and I was glad he wasn't there. Maybe he was in the bathroom?

"You talked to him already?" Logan says when he sees me walking in the living room.

I didn't answer him. I go to the front door and open it. Kendall's car wasn't outside.

"He's not here." I say closing the front door.

"He's not here?" Logan repeats.

"No." I smile. "Guess we don't have to tell him."

"Your so stubborn." Logan says holding my waist.

"Yeah,but you like it." I laugh.

He laughs right before holding my head and leaning in to kiss me.

"Logan!" I shout when he lightly bites my bottom lip.

"What?" He laughs.

I raise one eyebrow and smile.

"Come." I say taking his hand. "Help me finish packing my things."

Once we finish packing all my things he carries my suitcase out to his car.

"Now I need to go get my things."

"Are your parents home?" I ask

"No. My parents are never home during the day. They get home at around 2 or 3 in the morning and leave at six."


"Yes, seems like they don't have any time for me."

"I'm sorry Logan, I didn't know things were like this at your house."

"That's why I need this vacation, and going with someone that cares about me means a lot."

"Logan this is going to be an amazing vacation. Your going to forget all your problems." I say giving him a hug.

After what Logan told me I never wanted to leave his side. I wanted to be the reason why he smiled, I wanted to make all his problems go away. After a few minutes of silent driving we reach his house.

"Wait here." He says.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I already have everything packed. I'm just getting my suitcase."

"OK." I smile

Logan leaves and I stay in the car.

"I can't believe what he told me." I tell myself as he leaves

After waiting for a couple of minutes, Logan walks out of his house with his suitcase. He puts it in the trunk, and then gets in the car.

"Alright, you ready?" He smiles as he turns on the car.


Logan takes my hand in his as we drive away. We arrive at the airport in 2 hours. We are waiting to board the plane when my phone starts ringing.

"Its kendall...."

"My Dream Became Reality" A Logan Henderson Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now