part one

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selena's pov.

     i smiled at my boyfriend as he got up from the couch and walked away to go talk to some of his friends, well fake smiled. the party we were at was lowkey but since i wasn't much of a social butterfly, i didn't exactly know anyone here except for grayson. grayson dolan, my boyfriend.

     i tried so hard, very hard to get back the love we used to have when we first started dating in freshman year, but it's safe to say it just wasn't here anymore. i guess i am just addicted to the way i stay up at night and hurt.

     don't get me wrong, i had fun with grayson, the sex is great but it's just sex. whenever i try to talk about our relationship, he brushes it off and pretends like everything is okay, when it's not.

as much as i look back on us, it doesn't change my subconscious mind. i don't love him anymore, and he doesn't love me.

well, we aren't in love with each other like we should be.

it was basically a matt donovan and elena gilbert situation, grew up as bestfriends and owed each other a chance to see if it could be something more.

but the honeymoon phase didn't last long before the tiny arguments that just built up a resentment i have against him.

i pick up a random red solo cup from the coffee table and bring it up to my lips. the taste of stale beer on my tastebuds as i pulled the cup away from
me, slightly gagging at the taste.

     a tap on my shoulder caused me to turn around, automatically assuming it was grayson but it wasn't.

     it was ethan, grayson's twin brother. he wasn't much of a party guy like grayson, something we have in common.

      "wanna get out of here?" he asked loudly, trying to make sure i could hear him over the music blasting. i nodded and grabbed my bag from under the couch where i hid it, just incase anyone tried to steal it.

     after all, this is the south side.

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