part twelve - 🔞

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there's smut in this chapter, if you don't like it please just skip ahead.

selena's pov.

i walked down the steps, pulling the zipper on my pants back up, looking around for any sign of ethan.

i see a back of what i think is his head and tap on the guy's shoulder but it wasn't him.

my phone buzzes from my pocket, immediately reaching for it since i just wanted to go home and ethan was my ride.

text message from
i decided to go, get a ride from grayson.

i called him, worried about why he left and i sure as hell didn't want a ride home with grayson.

"hello?" his voice is raspy.

"where did you go?"

"you know that girl i told you about?"

ethan's pov.

she looked through my drawers for a condom, before i reached for her arm and stopped her.

"i can't." i tell her, pulling my shirt back on from the ground.

she laughs to herself but then realizes i was being completely serious. "are you kidding?"

i shake my head, throwing her the pants she dropped on my floor.

she immediately covered herself with it, "is this not what you were expecting?" she asked, referring to her body.

i shake my head once again, "no no no it's not that it's just, i kind of have eyes for someone else right now."

she sighs, "okay, well do you think you could.."

"could what?" i ask before she spreads her legs.

i couldn't figure out what to say so i just responded with,


selena's pov.

ethan hung up on me, telling me to come over so i rushed to find grayson, who was still in the room upstairs.

but with jane.

he was thrusting into her, her moaning suppressed by the music playing.

we aren't even together, so i guess he can fuck whoever he wants but it still hurt.

i decide i can just uber to his house.

i knock on his door after lisa let me in, walking up the stairs past grayson and cameron's room to ethan's.

i find him on the side of his bed, his head in his hands looking down at the carpet. i walk over to him and sit next to him, "ethan what happened, are you okay?" i move his hands away from his face, now he's just staring at me.

he leaned in, kissing me. but i didn't stop him. he pulled away, looking up at my eyes i find that his are glossy.

i kiss him back.

i don't know if it was the whole grayson and jane thing, the fact that ethan was hurting or my subconscious feelings, but i deepened the kiss with him, only to get hovered by ethan in seconds, his hand grabbing my cheek and just looking at me for a second.

"we don't talk about this again, it'll be just one night." he said as if it were a question, i nod as he smashes his lips onto mine, grinding his hips against my own, attaching his lips onto my neck.

i pulled at the back of his shirt, making him pull it off, his body rejoined with mine when he kisses me again.

before i knew it his hands reached behind my back and unclipped my bra, my shirt going with it.

he didn't even waste any time before kissing me again, but then i felt his hands at my waistband, pulling them off of me and grabbing something from the side of his bed.

a condom.


he looked up to me, "do you not want to?"

i didn't want to answer, i just leaned up and kissed him again, tugging at his sweatpants. i could feel his smile against my cheek as they came down.

ethan's hand raked up the side of my stomach, going higher up until he reached my breast, squeezing it and dipping his head to suck on the skin of my chest. why was he leaving hickeys?

i moaned when i feel his other hand cup my heat. he looped his fingers in the strings of my thong, pulling it down my legs.

he just sat there for a second, staring at me for what felt like an hour. but then he pulled his boxers down and tore the gold package. i looked down in between my legs and noticed that he didn't lie when he said he was "much bigger than that."

i felt him line himself up at my entrance, i pulled him down from his neck, staring at him as he pushed in. my mouth formed an o from the pain.

"are you okay?" he asked, stroking my hair gently, i just nodded.

he started thrusting in and out of me slowly, his face looking like he was trying to savor something.

"oh my god." ethan grunted, his chest falling onto mine, my hands reaching at the hills of his back.

i soon felt pleasure, "faster."

he took a long look at my face, pulling out almost all the way and then ramming himself back in, going at a fast pace.

he looked like he was struggling to form words, "fuuuuhck."

how was he so good at this? he never told me about hooking up with any other girls except jess and bella. (his ex's).

i didn't realize i did but i moaned against his shoulder, my legs involuntary squeezing against him, his hands hitting my hips and holding them down.

he hit my g-spot, making me shake from the pleasure he was giving me.

"you feel so fucking good." he said between thrusts, his face scrunching up.

"ethan i'm gonna"

"me too."

i'm sorry if that was bad i started cringing when i first started writing the smut lol

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