part thirteen

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selena's pov.

i got up from his bed, looking down at my legs, i was only in ethan's tshirt.

i grabbed my stuff and got out quietly, since i didn't want grayson to see me. he'd hate me forever.

"where are you going?" ethan asked right as i stepped foot out of his room. damn i thought i made it.

i turn around quietly, "home?"

he fake frowned, "well my brother wakes up at about," he moved to his side to see his alarm clock for the time, "6:00 and it's 5:58."

i walk back inside his room and sit at the edge of his bed, "so i'm sorry." i start, looking at ethan rubbing his eyes.

"sorry for what?" he laughed, sitting up in his bed. realizing that we were gonna talk about it right now.

i sigh. "for taking advantage of you." which i did, he was upset and even though he was the one who initiated things, i probably just screwed up things with him and the girl he told me about.

he looks at me confused, trying to tell if i were being serious or not. "you didn't i wanted to."

"what happened with that girl?" i ask, not trying to be intrusive but he seemed pretty upset when i got here last night.

he let his head fall back against his black headboard. "we were about to hook up but i asked her to leave."


"it just didn't feel right."

"what do you mean?"

"we just didn't really have a connection i guess."

i sat down across from my mom at our usual lunch place. she looked over the menu as if she hasn't memorized every word. we've gone here every sunday since my dad left.

incase you haven't noticed already, she isn't the strictest parent ever but it's not like she doesn't care.

my phone buzzed, i took it out of my jean pocket and pressed my thumb against the home button, unlocking it.

text message from

e: hey

hi? i cant talk i'm with my mom

e: so

she gets my attention for at least an hour.

e: text me after?


instead of turning my phone off i press onto the camera app, taking a picture of myself since i haven't posted on instagram lately.

( picture above )

i caption the picture: lunch tingz

don't ask me about that tingz word i see it a lot on instagram.

i got comments from people i'm friendly with when i saw ethan's comment,

but i thought you had to focus all your attention onto spending time with your mom

i rolled my eyes, turning off my phone.

"what're you gonna get?" she asks, taking her glasses off and setting the menu down.

i shrug, the waiter came up and took our orders. i just asked for grilled cheese.

i text ethan since i forgot to earlier.

hi lol

he answered almost immediately,

e: yo

that was so fucking dry!

what's up cool guy

e. my dick

i didn't need to know that

e: "oh ethan."

shut up you fucking dick

okay i know that was extreme but i'm just playin !

e: you were fucking my dick

i thought we were never gonna bring this up again

e: i'll tease you whenever i get the chance.

i smile at my phone, sitting up from the couch and heading to the kitchen, grabbing water as i texted ethan back,

thanks bff

i saw him start to type but then he stopped, did he really just leave me on read?

yo bff where'd u go

he left me on read.again.

what did i say

e: nothing just had to piss lmao relax, didn't want to drop my phone in the toilet

i feel so fucking stupid.

i don't need to hear about your water sports

e: you asked

did i?

okay well do you want to go to the drive in tonight? chris is back in town for the night and i miss us all hanging out

e: yea sure, is he staying with you?

yeah, you know my mom loves him

e: well that's because he does your dishes and kisses her ass

maybe that's why my mom doesn't like you

e: your mom doesn't like me??



e: fuck you

never again!

e: ykw

i love u

e: yeah

stop being so dry pls

e: you're being dry too

only because you are

e: see


e: so are you picking me up? who's car are we taking?

i thought we could take yours since yours is a jeep and the trunk is bigger.

e: makes sense

well i'll get snacks, blankets and drive over to your house with chris at like six, the movies start at seven i think.

e: sounds good

alright i'm gonna get ready see u later

e: k

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