part six

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selena's pov.

our school is pretty trashy since we're on the poor side of town, making it so that our textbooks are literally hanging on by a thread.

i looked up from my book over to jane who was staring at her own, before feeling my eyes on her and turning to me, giving me a little smile.

that fake ass fucking sl-

the bell rings and cut off my own thoughts, everyone grabbing their things as fast as humanly possible and charging out the door.

i put my stuff back into my bag and looked over to jane who was walking towards me.

time to act fake..!

"do you want to hang out tonight?" she asked, tapping her fingers against the edge of my desk.

i stood up and grabbed my backpack from the ground, swinging it over my left shoulder and giving her a stern look.

"i'm busy."

"doing what?" she asked as we both started walking out of the classroom.

i see ethan at his locker, showing a concerned face as he noticed who i was walking down the hall with.

i give him a reassuring face, i'm okay.

"what're you doing that you're so busy?"

"hanging out with ethan." i made up a random excuse, not wanting to say that i just didn't want to be around her.

she laughed, "so you're just switching twins now?"

"he's my bestfriend."

"no i'm your bestfriend."

i laughed at her, unintentionally.

but kind of intentionally.

"what is that supposed to mean?"

we finally come to a stop when i reach my locker, "jane i think we need space."

she looked confused, "what do you mean?"

"i don't really want any friends right now." i tell her, smacking myself in the forehead in my mind. that was a lame ass excuse.

she laughs, "but you have time for ethan."

"you don't get it-"

"no i do. i'm not cool enough for you anymore."

"that's not it."

"then what is?"

"the fact that you made out with my boyfriend." the words came out before i could take them back, shocked at myself.

but she knew just how to rub me wrong.

her jaw dropped, remaining silent. for once.

my jaw clenched, laughing at her. she didn't even try to deny it, at least she's an honest cheater.

"sel i can explain."

"no need. i'm gonna go hang out with my only real friend."

i walk away before i could cause more problems.

as i walked to my car a hand grabbed onto my shoulder, causing me to turn around. it was grayson. great.

"jane told me you found out and i jus-"

before he could say anything else, and before i even knew it, i punched him in the face.

not a slap.

i genuinely hit him as hard as i could.

ethan must've saw what happened because he came running up behind his brother.

"what the hell selena?!" ethan yelled.

grayson lifted a hand to his lip, pulling back to reveal there was blood.

i huffed and got into my car.

i laid in bed, listening to my record player that sat across the room. i didn't bother check my phone even after hearing what seemed like a thousand buzzes.

i looked out the little crack in my blinds, fidgeting with my fingers.

a soft knock on my door woke me from my little meditation, getting up a little as ethan came through the door.

"hey." he said softly, almost like if he were speaking normally it would hurt me.

he shut the door as quiet as he could, getting in the bed with me. "are you okay? what was all that?"

i still laid on my side, facing the window. feeling empty.

ignoring ethan.

i just wanted to be alone.

or so i thought.

i felt him lift the covers up, getting under them with me.

"do you want to talk?"

i shake my head, still staring out the window. ethan stuck his hand through my arm and pulled my into him.

then all i knew was the tears pouring down my face, ethan holding me closer, trying to comfort me.

"it's okay i got you." he whispered into my ear.

the music started to fade in the background.

i didn't know why, but i couldn't stop the tears. "if it makes you feel any better, you did what i wish i had the balls to do for the past seventeen years."

and somehow he got me to laugh.

"you're better than them."

i close my eyes, feeling ethan's jaw in my shoulder.

i loved the feeling.

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