part three

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selena's pov

"easier said than done i thought you were the one, listening to my heart instead of my head." the music blasted from my headphones, causing me to have to pause the song as fast as i could when grayson randomly barged in.

"i was gone for twenty minutes and you're already blasting emo music!" grayson said insensitively, grabbing my phone from my lap before i could take it away from him.

my heartbeat increased as he read my phone, "lucid dreams?" he threw it back at me and walked out of my room.


he turns around, laughing. "are you not happy with me?"

"are you?!" i argue, knowing what i'm feeling isn't one sided.

he stepped back, not expecting my response. "i don't need this shit." he said before grabbing something from behind my door and chucking it at my bed.

a tiny jewelry box.

"grayson can we just talk, without either one of us changing the conversation or walking out? please."

he unpursed his lips and sat down at the edge of my bed, "what can we do to fix this?" i ask, genuinely not wanting to break up with him.

"stop acting like this."

"acting like what grayson?"

"we have to get to your party."


"what do you mean no?"

"not until you sit here and talk to me."

"whatever sel i gotta get ready."

"grayson! stop acting like you don't give a shit."

"maybe i fucking don't."

my jaw drops, "wow."

grayson stands up from the bed and walks towards my mirror, checking himself out.

"we're done."

he turns around, "we'll never be done."

"well we are can you leave please."

"you're kidding?"

"get out." i say calmly, trying to hold back any anger i have towards him.

he scoffs, grabbing his jacket from my dresser and slamming my bedroom door.

i walked into the dark room, flashing with purple lights. people cheering as soon as they saw me. my eyes immediately land on grayson's. but soon enough they landed on ethan's who stood tall next to him. the biggest smile on his face, cheering for me.

i walked into the crowd, fake smiling at all of my friends who showed up. a bunch of bodies pressing against me, giving me hugs? i assume.

"it's the birthday bitchhhhhh!" my best friend, well other than ethan, yelled at the top of her lungs.

"thank you guys!" i forced a smile once again, trying to get past the crowd of people for some air.

i approached ethan and grayson, but only focused my attention on ethan. mainly to piss grayson off but also because we haven't hung out lately.

"ethan can we go talk somewhere?" i ask, not wanting anything to do with this party. although i'm grateful that they would do this for me.

it's just not my thing.

or ethan's.

he nodded, us walking out into a hallway no one was.

i brought him in for a hug, he chuckled before hugging me back, "what's up with you?" he asked, squeezing me tighter.

i pulled away first, "i broke up with him."

his eyebrow raised, confused as to what i was talking about. "i don't understand."

"we haven't been happy for awhile i guess."

"but i just caught you guys-"

"that's besides the point."

"well are you okay?" he asked, placing his hands on my arms, rubbing up and down trying to comfort me the best he could.

"i'm just not in a party mood." i confess.

"when are you ever?" he asked, laughing after the words came out. i laughed with him, smiling. and it was genuine.

ethan's been the only one to truly make me smile for a long time.

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