part eightteen

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selena's pov.

"..yeah?" i ask as he paused and scorched closer to me. i backed up a little, kind of uncomfortably.

he looked down before he looked back up at me, parting his lips, "i need to tell you something."

my stomach felt weird, and i could feel my breath hitch. i smiled to lighten the mood, placing my hand on top of his, "what's up?"

"is there any chance of you and grayson getting back together?" he finally let out his words, eyes watching every muscle move on my face.

i looked around the room, thinking that somehow that would give me an answer, "nothing's impossible i guess. but probably not."

he sighed, but in relief.

"and no brody?" he followed up, moving his hand from under mine.

i shook my head, "i don't even know what i was thinking, plus i think he has his hands full with sierra, even if they aren't together." i tell him, getting confused on why he was asking.

"is everything okay?"

"not really, no."

my hand moves from the bed to his shoulder in some weird attempt to comfort him, "what's wrong?"

he pried my fingers off of him and swallowed, he looked like he was just about to tell me something when chris woke up, "when did i fall asleep?" he groaned, rubbing his eyes and sitting up, looking at the two of us.

"am i interrupting something?" he asked, looking to me but i just turned my head and looked to ethan, since he was the one that was talking when he woke up.

ethan shook his head, "i'm gonna go in the guest room and sleep, goodnight sel."

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