part fourteen

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selena's pov.

i smiled at chris as he turned up the volume. ethan was annoyed about how loud it was originally, which only made us want to annoy him more.

whenever it was the three of us, chris and i would usually team up and annoy the crap out of ethan.

thankfully, ethan wasn't the type to get violent over words, but he would get pretty mad sometimes. and it was hilarious.

"i'm driving here." he pointed out, pulling into the drive in center, all of us getting out of our seats and heading to his trunk.

ethan opened it with his keys, i was in charge of making it comfortable while ethan and chris went to go get snacks.

chris was our other bestfriend but he moved because his mom finally finished medical school and got a job out of town, but we still get to see him sometimes.

i spread out the blankets and pillows and get in, waiting for them to get back.

the three of us were so into the movie that i didn't even realize the popcorn fall out of my lap and onto ethan.

"yo sel."

i snapped out of it and picked up the popcorn from his lap, laughing and putting it back into the bowl. not even seeing his reaction to it.

chris looked confused, "what?"

"is something going on between you guys?" he asked, looking at me and ethan.

i shake my head but ethan nods, i knew he was being sarcastic because of last night so i slap his chest.


"nothing is."

"so what about grayson?"

"what about him?"

"you said you broke up with him but why?"

ethan rolled his eyes. "she wasn't into him anymore, can we watch the movie?"

what is it with ethan and these mood swings?

chris laughed, "i just want to catch up."

"yeah me too." i smiled, ethan huffing and turning the radio off.

"you know jane?" i ask, he nods. "she made out with grayson apparently and i caught them fucking last night at a party."

i forgot that i didn't share that part with ethan.

"damn what a bitch." chris laughed, opening the bag of lays.

"i don't know if i'm doing cheer this year."

ethan's eyebrows furrow, "what why not?"

"it just seems doesn't seem like my style anymore."

"but you love it." he added.


"how's lydia?" chris asked. he and lydia dated for six months but he had to leave town, and they decided long distance wasn't going to work for them.

i shrug, "we don't really talk."

he nods, understanding why.

lydia and i barley get along. she's so full of herself that i can't get a word in without her comparing something i said to her.

but it doesn't matter, apparently she was 'different' when they were together.

"so ethan how's your love life?" chris punched his shoulder, ethan played it off laughing.

"just not really interested in anyone i guess." he replied.

chris nodded.

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