part two

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selena's pov.

i moaned into his kiss as his body fell on top of mine, "fuck" grayson groaned,  rolling over,  pulling the condom off and throwing it into the garbage bin across my room.

"can we talk?" i ask.

"i'm kinda tired right now baby."

i sighed, "gray i just-"

"yo selena i thought we could-" the sound of ethan's voice echoing through the house as he finally found my room and his brother in my bed.

"oh shit sorry."

the sound of the door slamming filled my ears, grayson laughing at the situation but i was the one half naked, now ethan knows what my tits look like.

"babyyyyyyyyyy, it's not a big deal." grayson tried to convince me, his hand reaching for my thigh, pulling me closer in one full swoop.

i smiled, it wasn't fake.

grayson smiled with me, tucking my hair behind my ear and cupping the left side of my jaw. "do you still.."

his eyebrows furrowed, "do i still what?" his eyes soften, licking his lips.

"i just, do you still love me?"

he scoffed, letting go of my cheek and my waist, "are we seriously doing this?" he asked, letting me fall back into my original spot on the bed.

i nodded innocently, looking to grayson while trying to get comfortable on my side.

"i'll always love you." he confessed, turning on his side to face me.

"but are you still, in-love with me?"

just as he's about to answer ethan walks in again, this time putting his hands over his eyes, "are you all decent?"

i rolled my eyes, getting up from the bed and grabbing my tank top from the ground where i dropped it earlier and putting it on, "ethan i'm good."

he pulls his hand down slowly, checking to see if i were still naked and took a sigh of relief before dropping his hands all the way down to his side.

"you really know how to flatter a girl e."

"that's a perk of being a natural stud."

i laugh, grayson narrowing his eyes and getting up from the bed, dick hanging out, grabbing his boxers from the ground and putting them on.

"we're brothers and all but i don't wanna see that."

"you're identical twins." i say, laughing and pulling my pants on from under the covers.

"yeah but i'm much bigger than that-" he starts, pointing at grayson's junk and laughing.

grayson grabbed a pillow from my bed and chucked it at ethan's head.

"so what did you need e?" i ask, getting up from the bed and stretching.

"um, we gotta get to the party."

"another one?" i groan.

"i don't want to but it's your party!" ethan defends.

today is my birthday.

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