part eight

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selena's pov.

"so you brought me to the beach?" i look around as i step out of his jeep, looking at the water.

"i figured you needed a stressless night." he said, walking towards the trunk of his car and opening it, pulling out my surfing equipment. how did he get that?

i look at him confused, "how-"

"your mom."


"i don't have a bathing su-"

he pulls out a backpack, the one i keep in my closet. it's filled with my summer clothes, suits and coverups for when i go surfing.

"i don't know what to say."

"just thank me."

he smiled, "now let's go."

i wrapped my towel around my hair, drying it while getting back into his car. "so where do you wanna go to eat?" he asked, shutting his door and turning on his car.

"i want fries." i say, grabbing my back from the backseat and opening it, finding a big tshirt and putting it on over my bathing suit.

ethan looked over at me, "nice shirt."

i looked down, realizing it was one of grayson's old football shirts. "i didn't know."

"i assumed."

"thanks for tonight ethan."

"it's not a problem. do you want me to stay?" he asked, looking past me into my bedroom.

i shake my head, "i'll be fine."

"text me if you need anything."

"i will."

i walk down the halls and get pulled into a classroom, turning all the way around to see it was grayson. why can't he take a hint?

"what do you want?"

"are you seriously going on dates with my brother?" he asked, his grip on my arm becoming tighter.

"we're just friends. just like you and jane."

he rolled his eyes, "you're still on that?"

"you cheated on me!"

"so now you're gonna fuck my brother?! you said you weren't in to him." his voice raised, his nails digging into my arm.

"grayson you're hurting me let go."

"so you are!"

"no! i'm not! he was there for me because i've been obsessing over the fact that my boyfriend of four years cheated on me with my bestfriend."

he sighed, "let's just let this all go. you did stuff, i did stuff. but let's get back together."

i squinted my eyes, "take a hint! i don't wanna be with you gray."

"it doesn't matter what you want." he said, squeezing my arm even harder.

"get off of her." ethan demanded, pulling grayson off.

"she's never gonna like you ethan!" he yelled at him, what was that even supposed to mean?

i've never seen ethan really mad before now, his face heating up, pulling grayson by his shirt and pressing him against a random desk. "ethan calm down. he's not worth it."

"why did you get so mad?" i ask him, pulling a book off of the shelf behind me.

"his ego. he thinks he's like god or something."

"maybe he's just a narcissist."

ethan laughs, turning to someone who stood at the end of the shelves. brody smith, the most popular guy in school, except grayson.

oh and he's also really fucking hot.

"hey sel, can i talk to you?" he asks, totally ignoring the fact that ethan was sitting across from me.

"uh sure?" i say, but looking to ethan to see if it's okay. he nodded, i stood up and walked with him to another part of the library.

he smiled, looking down at me since he was at least five inches taller. "so i heard you and grayson called it quits." he starts, i rolled my eyes. annoyed at the subject.

"i guess you could say that."

"so since you're finally single, i was wondering if you wanted to grab something to eat sometime." he started, licking his lips as he waited for a response from me.

i thought about it, "um sure."

there was a knock at the window beside my bed, i opened it knowing the only person who does that is ethan.

"hey." he said, crawling in.

i sat back into my bed, "hey."

i was confused on why he was here, before he sat down on my bed, "what did you talk to brody about?"

"he actually asked me out."

ethan looked disappointed, "please don't tell me you said yes."

"i actually did. i haven't been with anyone but grayson. maybe i should start playing the field." i say, laughing.

ethan huffed. "i was joking e, anyway once sierra finds out that i'm even talking to brody she'll murder me."

sierra is brody's crazy on and off again girlfriend.

"so don't talk to him." he said, almost like he was telling me and not suggesting.

"what's up with you?" i ask, genuinely wondering what happened to make him so upset, is that why he came over? i'm too busy thinking about me to even ask.

he rolled his eyes, "nothing but you just broke up with grayson."

ethan's pov.

i should've known as soon as she told me she broke up with grayson that all the guys in school would be just itching to be with her. she's the hottest girl in school.

but the excitement in her voice as she told me she was going out with someone else just made me upset in a way, knowing she'd never be excited about me like that.

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