10 | narrative

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"where are you going?" jisoo called as she spotted rose putting on her flats. She was wearing a simple loose white tee tucked into denim shorts and a sling bag draped across her shoulder.

"To meet someone" was the vague answer jisoo got and she scowled as rose opened the door. "Where?" She pressed and rose answered "the library!" Before she shut the door, not hearing what jisoo said next.

Rose checked her watch, she was late by a good ten minutes. When she had seen jimin's messages her heart cracked, especially when she read that he had waited for an hour.

She felt bad, she was probably overreacting. To apologize, that was actually her reason to meet jimin. Yes he played with her feelings but making him wait an hour out last time? that was a bit too harsh, she felt, and guilt had not left her alone and that's what prompted her to meet jimin.

However, being the indecisive person she was, when it was 450 she contemplated not going to meet him after all. He did play with her feelings...But he was a sweet person. He surely had a reason...He wouldn't do this on purpose right? But he used to be a playboy. But he has changed....

She debated for the next 20 minutes and thus finally set out at 510, late. She speedwalked, glacing around before crossing the road. Her eyes scanned the surroundings as she slowed to a stop in front of the large looming building.

She glanced at the grand entrance of the library from the side, trying to spot the shortie, but to no avail. She furrowed her brows, what if he just waited for 5 or 10 minutes and then decided to give up? It's 520 now anyway...

"Rose?" Her head swivelled around and she saw ...jimin.

Her mochi.

He was wearing a loose black tee and ripped jeans. His hair was messy and he licked his plump lips nervously, scratching his neck, a habit he had when he was anxious or nervous.

Rose took in how hot he looked in such a casual outfit, a fleeting emotion passed her face before she regained her composure, masking her true expression. She gave a nod "jimin"

"You came" he breathed eyeing her and she felt like squirming but didn't say anything and remained still, her hands clutching her bag strap tightly.

She hummed and waited for him to go on. He ran his singers through his hair before sighing "rosé i–i–"

"Oh wait before you continue" rose stopped him, deciding she might as well get the apology done and over with. Especially since jimin didn't look like he could finish it within 5 minutes.

"In sorry for meaning you wait the other day for no reason. Also I'm sorry because I know I am overreacting. You don't like me and its okay– I just thought you returned my feelings when you said I was your future girlfriend and yeah. I probably just misunderstood and got hurt and blamed you for no reason for a whole week–" she paused to take a deep breath "I'm just so sorry. Friends?" She brought up her hand for a handshake.

Jimin just gaped at her while she slowly and awkwardly lowered her hand when he didn't do anything. Her face returned to that impassive look, mentally cursing herself for acting so weird- cold, apologetic the next second and cold again?? Maybe because I'm on my period. She blinked rapidly.

"Rose" jimin moved close to her and took her hands into his (small) ones. Her breath hitched, his face was mere inches away. She looked into his eyes, seeing how sad he looked and her heart clenched.

"Rose ...I didn't kiss you–" she was about to interrupt when he placed a finger on her lips "I didn't kiss you because I wanted to know if you're ready for it. I thought you'd might not appreciate it...and so that's why I stuck my finger in between but in truth" his voice trailed off and finally dropped to a husky whisper. His finger touched her pink full lips softly and he pressed his forehead against hers "you have no idea how much I wanted to kiss those pink soft lips of yours"

Rose was paralysed and her mind was in turmoil. So that was why jimin didn't kiss her! Aish she should have given him a chance to explain! He was just being the gentleman he was and she just misunderstood and overreacted.

"so...may I?" She was jolted out of her thoughts by the handsome man in front of her. Jimin's thumb ran over her lower lip and his eyes were pleading. But she was transfixed in his gaze, her lips slightly parted. When she didn't say anything jimin pulled away sighing.

"Rose I won't forc–"

"n-no" she stuttered regaining her voice before wrapping her arms around him and pressing her lips against his. His eyes widened in shock and he couldn't do anything for a moment but then he slowly wrapped his strong arms around Rose's small waist and smiled into the kiss.

He tugged her closer, and his lips moved in perfect sync with hers. Everything else didn't matter and all the sounds of their surroundings were blocked. Their lips moulded together perfectly and rose felt undeniable tingles and pleasure up and down her spine as jimin kissed her passionately.

Her hand went up to his hair and sifted through his silky strands, clutching at it and jimin nibbled at her bottom lip, sending another shiver up her spine. She was enjoying this - a lot in fact.

They finally broke off and rose was sure her cheeks were red as a tomato. Light pink dusted jimin's cheeks but he just smirked "I am a great kisser right?"

She rolled her eyes at him but refused to meet his gaze. Her leg was still wrapped around him and she awkwardly untangled her hand from his hair and he just watched her in amusement. He still held her waist and she squirmed in his grip.

"You're so cute" he chuckled when she looked at him clearly embarassed at the position they were in, especially since they were in public. He leaned in to kiss her nose lightly and finally released her.

Rose smiled genuinely, her face flushing and he led her to a bench in a park nearby. He patted his lap, smirking as usual, and rose rolled her eyes again before sitting next to him, leaving an awkward gap between them. Jimin just grunted and wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled close next to him and leaned his head against her slim shoulder.

She shivered as he nuzzled into the crook of her neck "jimin?"

"mhmm?" He looked up.

"im sorry for not listening to you earlier. I was being overdramatic and stupid when you were just trying to be a gentleman-"

Jimin shut her up with a quick peck on the lips "stop apologising kay? its my fault too, if I were in your position I would misinterpret they way you did too"

She smiled.

"So cupcake"


"I'm gonna court you"

"Aren't you supposed to ask my permission for that?" She teased, her head against his chest.

"It's an order" jimin shrugged and rose sighed.

"Guess I am one unlucky girl"


Rose laughed at jimin's insulted expression but seeing her, jimin also could not help but laugh his eyes forming crescents before he kissed her again.


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