17 | narrative

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"oh my god, jisoo. i swear if you had to get me walk all the way to the door because you forgot the fucking keys- oh, taehyung?"

"hi jennie" his box smile appeared "didnt lisa tell you i'm coming over?"

jennie huffed "no that bitch went to fuck jungkook, just like rose went to fuck jimin and i bet jisoo went to fuck jin in secret while shopping-"

suddenly jisoo appeared from behind taehyung's back as he stifled his laughter "yAH JENNIE KIM! I GOT YOU MEDICINE AND YOU SHITTALK ME?"

jennie raised an eyebrow "why did taehyung have to knock if you're here?"

jisoo turned red.

"ah so the dumb bitch did forget her keys- YAH UNNIE" jennie whined as jisoo smacked her head while she strolled in.

"thats what you get for disrespecting your elders"

jennie just grumbled as she let taehyung in who said "you sound like jin"

"that's because jin and i are meant to beeeee~" she sang as she disappeared into the kitchen while jennie just sighed "something definitely happened when they went out last week"

taehyung hummed in agreement "oh also jennie, here's your medicine"

"you bought it?" jennie asked, taking it from him.

"not everything. i just bought the chocolates" he smiled sheepishly.

"thanks tae, thats better than medicine" she smiled her gummy smile at him. his face grew hot under her gaze and he reached to scratch the back of his neck "no problem"

"you want to watch a movie?" jennie asked as she plopped herself on the sofa, taking out the chocolate taehyung gave.

"did i heAR MOVIE?" jisoo's head popped out from the kitchen from where she was stocking up the fridge.

"not talking to you, unnie"

"oooo i get it i get it jenjen. you wanted alone time with taehyung, why didnt you just say so?"

jennie groaned as jisoo came to the sofa where she was sprawled over.

"just shut the fuck up unnie"

"its okay jen, i understand. its dicks before chicks now is it?-"

"what the fU-"

"fudge" taehyung interrupted and jennie rolled her eyes at him, to which he chuckled.

"youre one to say unnie. ditching me to fuck jin- YAH" another whack to her head

"may i remind you who you are talking to like that?"

jennie childishly crossed her arms and pouted "clearly a boomer"

jisoo just sighed "i'm gonna make some popcorn. it'll take me a few minutes only so please don't bang while i'm gone okay? my couch is too pretty to be covered with c-"

"jisoo! we. are. not. going. to. bang."

she placed her hands on her hips and struck an exaggerated thinking pose "hmmm, are you sure about that?"

she jutted her chin at taehyung, who, deciding to play along, wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at Jennie, to be rewarded with a cushion to his face.

jisoo laughed and disappeared into the kitchen and jennie sighed in relief. her fever had just lifted in the morning and she was feeling much better.

"what genre do you want to watch?" she asked taehyung. before he could come up with a proper response, she answered her own question "romance? okay, awesome!"

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