16 | call

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bold - jungkook
italics - taehyung
normal - lisa

jungkook's phone

(incoming call from lisa 💀💜)

accept | decline


"wOAH what a term of endearment for your crush"

"you're not jungkook so shut the f-"


lisa rolled her eyes, muttering "how do you like jennie unnie when she curses more than me- anYWAY, why are you with jungkook's phone?"

"i was just looking through kookie's phone for blackmail material"

"he's just letting you go through it?"

"of course not, he is taking a massive shit in the toilet"

lisa snorted "anyway tell me, have you found any?"

"well your contact name has a purple heart beside it so i think he lik- fUDGE hes done-"


"why? jealous i'm talking to your girlfriend?"

"i'm not his girlfriend!"

"lisa's not my girlfriend!"

"then why did you think of her when i said girlfriend- yAH THAT HURTS YOU PIG"

lisa winced as jungkook got back his phone "well well if it isnt the dumb fuck herself calling-"

"well this dumb fuck has a purple heart in her contact name on sOmEoNe's phone"


[faint sound of someone being pushed off the sofa]

"i'm going to fucking murder taehyung"

"save it for later, can you follow me to the arcade?"

"woah, are you finally asking me out on a date?"

"yes, since you clearly dont have enough balls to ask me out, i had to do it for you"

[pause pt 2]

"jennie is rubbing off on you"


jungkook rolled his eyes at taehyung "why me?"

"rose and jimin are pda-ing, jisoo went to the supermarket-"

"huh? jin hyung did too"

"i sWEAR, they both are hiding something"

"they are but jin hyung is not spilling anything. how about jennie?"

"she's sick"


"of course she is sick of you tae"

"shut up kook. lisa tell jennie i'm coming over"

"sure lover boy! so jungkook you want to come to the arcade with me or not?"


"great! meet you at your dorm in twenty minutes!"

"so fas-"


and she hung up the phone.

"i didnt really have a choice, did i?" jungkook muttered as he put his phone into his pocket, a fond smile appearing on his face.


i finally updated ! sorry it's a bit short- there will be narratives soon though

i've been re-editing the book as well as publishing new chapters because i think my style of writing has changed- i hope you all are okay with it tho :) i always thought lisa and jungkook's relationship would be full of insults and very aggressive so i'm sorry if you were expecting a really sweet one ! there will be a lot more sweet moments though, when / if they become official ;)

also, how are yall doing in this covid 19 period? here all schools have closed so i will be confined at home for a month :(

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