15 | narrative

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Jisoo stared at Jin's text numbly.


She sighed, closing the app and throwing her phone onto the sofa as lay back on the chair. Jennie noticed and turned her attention away from the phone "what's wrong, unnie?"

"nothing" jisoo responded, closing her eyes as she rested her head against the cushion. But Jennie wasn't about to let it go.

"Is it about jin?"

"It's nothing, Jennie" she sighed, hinting that the topic should be closed but Jennie persisted "it's about that text he sent, isn't it?"

Jisoo didnt say anything except sigh one more time "well yeah... and he's been giving me mixed signals"

"what do you mean by that?"

Jisoo picked the table with her nail "I don't know...It's like, his hugs are longer than necessary, he touches me a lot, or maybe it's just me feeling that way in hopes of him liking me. Or he's just like that to everyone"

Jennie nodded thoughtfully, not surprised that jisoo liked him. She had long suspected it. As much as she wanted to tease her about it, she seemed to be actually serious and Jennie didn't want to make it seem like she was taking her issue lightly.

"well I think he likes you"

She just shrugged "whatever"

Jennie punched her shoulder lightly "come on, don't say "whatever" aren't you going with him for a horribly late lunch? i’m gonna get you fixed up"

When she said a horribly late lunch, she meant it. It was already nearing two, they were probably were going to eat at 3. All this was because of them waking up late, or Jisoo waking up late. Jin had to wake up early to tend to six babies while Jisoo will sometimes act like the maknae of the group. She woke up at a glorious 12 today, and she claimed that as "early".

Jisoo scoffed "fixed up? jennie ruby jane kim, are you saying I'm ugly?"

"compared to me? of course!" She sassed and jisoo laughed, knowing that she was only joking, and let Jennie drag her upstairs.


"aaaaaaand ta-da!" Jennie spun jisoo around dramatically to face the mirror. Being the fashionista of the group, she knew the most about cute styles and clothing, as well as makeup. The girls would always come to her for her opinion, and she loved styling them up.

Since jisoo and jin were just going out hang in a park after lunch, she made jisoo wear a dull pink crop top, and high waisted jean shorts with a long beige cardigan. Her hair was in a loose ponytail to the side, letting loose strands of hair frame her face perfectly.

Jisoo smiled, liking the cute outfit when the doorbell rang.

"oooo he's hereeeee!" Jennie yelled and jisoo could barely grab her bag before jennie dragged her downstairs and literally pushed her out of the door. Before jisoo could even react as she smashed into Jin's chest, which she was sure was jennie's intention, Jennie slammed the door shut.

Jin wasn't even surprised, he just grinned in amusement. He had a strong suspicion that Jennie shipped the both of them, and the girl didn't bother to conceal it: she was probably trying to make it obvious. Not that he minded, he liked jisoo, as in like like, but for all the confidence he had, he didn't have the guts to ask her out properly on a date.

He snapped out of this thoughts when jisoo nudged him "so where are going today for lunch? it was your turn to decide"

"oh yea" he hummed "how does mcd sound?"

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