18 | narrative

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"Oh my god Jeon, you've never gone roller-skating?" Lisa asked incredulously

"Shut up Limario" Jungkook muttered, pink dusting his cheeks as she cackled.

Although the original plan was to go to the arcade and play games, which Jungkook had planned to trash her in, it all changed when Lisa saw the rollerskating rink within the arcade.

"Well, well, what do we have here- the golden maknae does not know how to rollerblade" she mused, struggling to contain her giggles.

"Ha ha, very funny" he muttered crossly and she burst out again.

"Are you done?" he deadpanned after watching her laugh for a solid minute and she grasped onto his shoulder dramatically calming herself down "yeah, yeah. this was supposed to be an arcade date but now I guess its rollerblading lesson for jungkook"

"it was a date?" he questioned, a small smirk coming up to his face.

Lisa's eyes widened, realising her slip-up but then just smirked "It was? It can still be one if you want"

"Smooth, darling. Learning my ways, I see."

"No I learnt from Jennie" Lisa retorted, rolling her eyes "Not everything revolves around you kookie" she sang as she dragged him to the rollerblading area.

Lisa went to the counter and rented two pairs of rollerskates for them. Before jungkook could talk about how he would pay, she smiled sweetly and thanked the person, paying through her credit card. Jungkook grumbled under his breath "Why didn't you let me pay?" which she surprisingly managed to catch "calm down kookie, you always pay for me and it's time I pay you back" she smiled at him and the tips of ears turned slightly pink under her gaze.

They both went to an empty bench and started putting on their shoes. Lisa was done with a minute and looked over to see Jungkook struggling with his shoelaces. She watched in amusement as he kept trying, although getting nowhere.

Finally, he gave a huff of frustration and groaned "Its still not tight enough"

"That's because you're doing it wrongly" Lisa chuckled and he glared at her.

"Well then tell me how to do it, Limario"

"a please wouldnt hurt" she sighed but knelt down in front of him and started tightening his shoes for him, adjusting the straps by the side before double-knotting the shoelaces.

Jungkook blushed "y-yah! I meant just tell me how to do it, not do it for me!"

"Even if I told you how to do it, I doubt your pea-sized brain would be able to understand" Lisa muttered, tightening his shoes one last time before standing up.

He scowled at her "Why did I come out with you?"

"Because you just couldn't resist the idea of a date with me" Lisa smirked boldly, lowkey hoping for some hint in return on whether he liked her or not.

He just snorted "a bold assumption. How do I stand?"

Lisa erased the tiny frown, that came because of his vague response, and sarcastically replied "Hm, jungkook, I'm not sure actually. I've heard from some people you can stand by using your legs though"

Jungkook sighed "You're impossible—"

"No I'm Lisa"

She laughed seeing Jungkook's exasperated expression "okay, okay, just stand, really. See?" she stood up easily "Just make sure you stand straight and not put your feet at other angles that can cause you to slip and fall"

Jungkook nodded, still hesitating. For all his big talk, he couldn't bring himself to muster up courage and stand. What if he fell? That was going to hurt for sure and Lisa will definitely publicise it to the whole world.

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