07 | narrative

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"so what do you all want to do?" Jin asked, squeezing himself next to jisoo on the couch as she grunted in annoyance.

It was the weekend and jisoo, jennie, rose and lisa had come over to the boys dorm to hang out after eating. All of them lay sprawled on the carpet and couches lazily as they discussed- no, argued on what to do next.

"how about a movie?" Yoongi interrupted from the beanbag he was curled up in and many shrugged their shoulders "sure why not?"

"What type of movie then?"


"fucking hell no???" you could guess who this was from.


"back to you darling"

"cut it out-"

"how about comedy?"

"nah, romance"

"you mean the cheesy crap that makes me want to puke?"

"one more word and i will fucking punch your manhood"

"OKOK! how about we all vote?" Jin interrupted as he stood up to grab everyone's attention. Everyone simultaneously became quiet and eventually, majority voted for horror. Two or three groaned at this - you could guess who.

After a lot of bickering, they settled for the conjuring. Soon enough the movie had started and the lot stayed huddled, many pressing their legs to their chest as the eerie music filled the room.

Taehyung slyly switched places with jimin, who had originally been sitting next to Jennie. It benefited the both of them as jimin got to sit next to rose who she looked fairly calm as the trailer played before the movie.

The same thing, however, could not be said about Jennie. The movie had not even started and she was already squeezing the life out of the cushion. Taehyung smiled at the adorable sight, this was going to be good.

Jisoo and jin were side by side, and jisoo looked calmer than jin. As much as jin wanted to be the one holding jisoo and comforting her, he was fairly sure it would be the other way round looking at the weak nervous state he was in, that is, if jisoo actually wanted to comfort him while he screamed his lungs out.

Namjoon, jungkook, and lisa were on the carpet. Namjoon had his head and back leaning against the couch while the other 2 laid down, propping their heads on their elbows to watch the movie.

Hoseok was on the chair next to yoongi beanbag, his hands gripping the leather so hard that his knuckles had turned white. Yoongi glanced at him with his eyebrow raised but didn't say anything as the movie continued on.

It was progressing on fine, of course with a few occasional screams, along with colorful language, mainly from hoseok, Jennie, and jin but otherwise it was fairly okay. But then again they were barely halfway through and then began the jumpscares.

Hoseok literally jumped out of his seat, almost falling onto the floor as the first jumpscare passed. Anyone looking at home could make out he wanted to pee himself. He clutched onto yoongi's arm and although he gave hoseok irritated glances, a small smile splayed across his lips everytime hoseok squeezed his hand for comfort.

Namjoon had noticed this and he smiled at the scene. He could also see jungkook glancing at Lisa now and then and he shook his head, chuckling discreetly. That boy still thought he liked IU noona more than lisa but that was clearly bullshit. Jungkook looked like he wanted to hold Lisa in his arms as he glanced at her. in fact, jungkook talked about lisa more than IU nowadays. But the last time namjoon asked who his crush was, which was just last week, jungkook had admitted that he did have a small crush on lisa but claimed to have a bigger one on IU and hearing that, namjoon just stared at him but didn't say anything.

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