Chapter Two of A Prevailing Love

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Elijah Mikealson was mostly known to be a faithful man and stick to his words and especially his promises but mostly in his relationships. He had returned to Mystic Falls with his little brother after having a long discussion with the harvest witch about the youngest Salvatore. He learned what was going on at home in Virginia with the Salvatore brother and the girl he was responsible for have turning, however, he had no idea what was going on with his girlfriend and he wasn't so sure she was still going to want him after what happened in New Orleans with a certain five hundred year old vampire.

He walked into Lockwood Manor in search for the blonde huntress, but little did he know she was already there hiding from him with a stake covered in white oak ash. It wasn't her fault and she was trying so hard from running out and staking the man that swept her off her feet. Because of the Original Hybrid she had problems stopping herself.

"Elijah, you need to leave," she spoke through clenched teeth as she watched him from the shadows. He could hear her rapid heartbeat that was caused by anxiety. She was scared of killing him because even though Klaus compelled her to go deep down to her hunting roots, he didn't compel out the feelings she felt toward the Original vampire.

"Avery ... what's wrong?"

"Elijah, if you want to live and you trust me just go, please," she pleaded once more but the suited vampire was too stubborn to listen to her. He quietly moved around the house to get closer to the rapidly beating heart. He wanted to know what was wrong with her and when he finally spotted her with that white oak ash covered stake he looked at her worriedly. Why would she want to kill him?

"You were going to kill me?"

"No," she shook her head violently as it was clearly evident at how hard she was fighting her hand. If only she didn't kill vampires. Seeing how hard she was trying to fight it, the suited vampire realized why she was doing this.

"You've been compelled. Who compelled you to kill me?"

"Not to kill you," her voice creaked at the thought of even being the reason for her love's death. She took in a breath before speaking. "To kill vampires. Duck!" she screamed as her arm shot forward, grazing against his hair as he went to the floor. He got the memo finally and sped out of the house and away from his huntress of a girlfriend. He couldn't tell her about Katherine now, not when she couldn't control her killing abilities because only then she probably wouldn't fight it out of anger, but maybe he could persuade her it was all Katherine's fault.

He had more important things to figure out now like who compelled Avery Lockwood, but little did he know she wasn't the only one compelled nor were her and Jeremy the only members of the five in Mystic Falls. The third of the hunters wasn't compelled to kill the supernatural creatures either.


The brunette vampire stood in front of her white two story home in wonder of why she was still living here or why this house was still even here. It held too many memories good and bad and it reminded her people that were no longer here, snatched away from her to die or be the one to kill her. She let out a heavy sigh as she tried to contemplate what should be done with this house.

"Uhm, not to be nosy or anything but there's people staring at you like you're crazy looking at your house with a depressive look on your face," she heard the voice of her only human friend walk up behind her on the pathway to the porch. She didn't answer him as she continued to look up at the house, her eyes landing on her older cousin/sister's window. The same room she has refused to walk into since the death of the oldest Gilbert. Matt looked to her as she had this determined look in her eyes as he could literally see the gears turning in her head.

"What are you thinking about, Cass?"

"My sister is dead, my brother is trying to kill me, Caroline is avoiding me, Stefan is kind of dead, Damon won't talk to me, Alaric is somewhere most likely either getting drunk or attempting to find a girl and I'm here thinking about what to do with this house because it holds so many memories of death that I literally can't live here anymore. I don't want to live here anymore," she explained as if it was the most normal thing to occur in someone's life. Matt frowned at the emotionless response he got from his brunette friend before looking back up to the house. Cassidy looked to the blonde human. "Maybe I should burn it down."

"Whoa, whoa, no, you're not burning down your house. Where will you and Alaric live?"

"Get an apartment. Start fresh. Make new memories," she shrugged nonchalantly as she was really considering burning the house. Something Elena had almost done when Jeremy had died but Cassidy stopped her because she was too attached to the house. Of course, Elena thanked the brunette once her emotions came back on; however, she had still refused to live in the house because she couldn't deal with all the pain.

Matt was starting to think that maybe Cassidy had flipped that switch again.

"Cassidy, have you flipped the switch?"

"No," she sighed out as she had also been considering that again lately but she knew how much of a burden that was on everybody. She also wanted to have her emotions when Stefan woke up and somehow that was all that was give her hope was the young Salvatore waking up.

"Look, instead of thinking like this how about we go to the Grill and I get you a drink."

"Sadness and alcohol doesn't go together," she didn't glance at him as she looked at the house. She noticed neighbors stepping into their porches to look in the direction of her. She rolled her eyes as she thought about how nosy they were being before making her way inside. Matt quickly followed her as he was going to make himself her watcher to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid.

"Look, I'll stay here with you until Alaric gets back. You seem like you need some company from a friend and I'm willing to stay here as long as you want me too ... just don't kill me," he chuckled at his last statement. He saw a small smile tug at his vampire friend's lips that made him smile lightly.


Cassidy looked at the door she was standing in front of as the hesitation to knock went through her body. She brought her fist up then knocked lightly hoping for an answer.

"Care? I know you're home .. your car is out here," she spoke calmly as she tried to look through the window of the door. She couldn't hear any footsteps making her lips tug down into a frown. She leaned her forehead against the door in frustration. "I didn't mean the things I called you, Caroline. You may not believe me but I didn't. I just want my best friend."

She still didn't hear anything - footsteps, a breath and now that she thought about it she couldn't even hear her blonde friend's heart beat. The brunette vampire knitted her brows as she realized the Forbes vampire may not have been here, but if she wasn't here then where could she have been since her car is here? Irrational thoughts began to flow through her mind that something terrible has happened to her blonde best friend.

She pushed the door open and began to run through the house.

"Care!? Caroline!" she shouted as she looked in the living room before running upstairs. She looked in all of the rooms getting more scared as she couldn't find her best friend. "This isn't funny, Care. If you're hiding come out."

But nobody came out from hiding and nobody was on the house. The Gilbert/Saltzman child ran back down the stairs getting ready to get her phone out. If she knew anyone could help it would be the raven haired vampire that hasn't tried talking to her. She got ready to dial his number and put the phone to her ear but little did she know someone snuck into the house.

Not a good someone either.

As soon as she hit the bottom of the stairs and Damon answered, a syringe of vervain made contact with her neck and she began choking on air. All she saw was a pair of blue eyes as her phone slipped from her hand and she began to fall to the ground as darkness took over her eyes.

Damon was on the other line calling out her name, more worried with each time before her phone was stomped on.

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A Prevailing Love (2) // TVDWhere stories live. Discover now