Under The Fireworks(Gouenji Shuuya X Fubuki Shirou)

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Gouenji POV

To say that I like the cold?No I hate it.i absolutely can't stand it so when Endou and Kidou asked me if I wanted to join them when they went to watch the fireworks I obviously said No.I already couldn't stand the cold during the day time and I barely go out at night and when I do it's only for a short while,But staying out for 4 hours at night would kill me.So that's why I'm here in the living room alone,Yuuka went out with some friends.It was Quiet....at least until I heard a knock on the door.

Who could that be?I thought.i got up and opened the door to see Fubuki.Evening Gouenji!Fubuki said.i couldn't answer him because cold air was filling the room and I was shivering.Are you ok?He asked.I guess he noticed me shivering and he got inside and I closed the door.Sorry I forgot you don't like the cold.Fubuki said.Its fine.I locked the door and looked at my phone.11:20 So why are you here at this hour?i asked.Oh right!i was gonna ask you if you want to join me to watch the fireworks,tho I guess you were the wrong person to ask.He said.i was gonna watch from my room.i said.Was?He asked confused.yea was,But I guess I'll go with you I don't want to be here alone doing nothing until 12.i said.I saw his eyes light up.Thank you Gouenji!He said hugging me which made me blush.Let me get ready first.

After a while.

Ready?Fubuki asked.I nodded and we headed out.i instantly felt the cold air on my body and face,it was freezing.Are you fine?you don't have to go if you don't want to.Fubuki said concerned.I-it's fine.i said.once they arrive.we get to the Avarage spot most people would go to watch,The river bank.The area was filled with people and stall selling food.we go around looking for Endou and Kidou.Hey Guys!I hear someone yell I turn to see Endou.Me and Fubuki walk towards him.hey Fubuki,Gouenji. Endou said.Gouenji?i thought you dint want to go.Kidou said sitting up.Yea But I dint want to wait alone until twelve so I went with Fubuki. I said.But aren't you-Yes.Endou said before I cut him off.Oh Ok.He said.Me and Fubuki sat down and talked for a while with them.

It was maybe ten minutes before New Years and Endou wanted to get some food so Kidou went with him not trusting His Boyfriend alone in a large crowd.It was silent after they left,Ok not really because there were the other people talking but between me and Shirou it was Quiet.

I felt someone leaning of my arm and turned to see a sleepy Fubuki.I smile and raised my other hand to stroke his hair.Truth be told I do have slight feelings for him,Who wouldn't he's so cute,His Hissatu's Are Amazing,his hair is soft,and many more reasons.11:59pm.It was almost New Years and the other two haven't returned I hear people Counting down the seconds and I start counting as well.It was almost Time and I look down to see Fubuki rubbing his eyes since I feel he just woke up.He sits up and looks up into the sky,The moonlight on his pale skin made him look like he was glowing.Shuuya.i hear.I have never Heard Fubuki call me by my first name.i turn to him and as the counting turned to one I felt something.

People cheering and sound that resemble gunshots in the sky and that feeling,Fubuki's soft lips on mine. Th kiss was short and A Closed mouth one but it was blissful.Fubuki leans back and looks me in the eyes and smiles.Happy New Years Shuuya! He says a blush on his face.i soon came to my senses and Smiled.Happy New Years Shirou.

I don't think I can write good,but I only have one book I That book was.....to say the least Rushed and I put effort into this at the very least

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