Ok so i just wanna state somethings

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Ok I just wanted to talk about how often I'll be posting on this....Atleast once a month.the reasons for this is because....

1.i love to draw so I often be drawing more then writing but I occasionally get books done but I would usually be preoccupied by art so that's why once a month because I have more time to write the chapters.
2.it takes me a while to write a book if I'm trying not to repeat words as often because I'll be thinking of other words to use,and because writers block.
3.i need ideas for the books and some references in case I get stuck and because of art I usually spend my search time on art things then story references but majority of the time I usually have ideas form listening to music

I won't be posting one of the chapters this month because for Valentine's Day I'll be posting one chapter for all the ships but their just scenarios

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