Breaking The Ice (Gouenji Shuuya X Fubuki Shirou)

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Ok the long winding roads that lead through the forest,in a fancy carriage a prince argues with his father. "Why am I getting Married?!" The prince shouted nearly standing up from his chair. The king sighed rubbing his forehead. "Cause we must strengthen our bonds with them,Shuuya, aren't nearly on good terms with them as we were before." His father said calmly. The prince was about to retaliate when he felt the temperature drop almost immediately. "W-why is it s-so cold Suddenly?" The youngest for what three asked,the princes. Shuuya opened the sliding window to look out to find the landscape covered in snow.

The stopped infront of a Snow White marble castle. Guards wearing light blue and white fluffy uniforms holding spears made of solid ice and metal stood on each side of the staircase leading up to the castle doors. The carriage door opened and one by one the three members headed out and onto the crunchy snow grounds. "It's freezing." Shuuya murmured under his breath as they started walking towards the castle.

Inside wasn't as cold as he thought it would be infact it was pretty warm with a hint of cool air that made to feel like the perfect temperature. As like the outside the inside was aligned with guards on each side. There were pillars made of Ice,large windows letting sunlight in and a light blue carpet down the middle of the hall. Down the hall a figure could be seen sitting on one of the four thrones. A young boy with 4 guards around him. Once Infront Shuuya got a better view of the boy the snow light sunlight radiated off his porcelain skin,his fluffy silver hair that swayed when a small breeze flew by and his soft blue-green eyes made him more intrigued by the prince.

The boy stepped forward. "You must be the Gouenji Family right?" He asked in a soft,comforting voice his eyes directed at Shuuya. "Yes we are." His father spoke. "I am Fubuki Shirou,the prince of the northern kingdom." He spoke loud and clear but still in the soft voice from before. Shuuya steps forward and Fubuki Notices "I am Gouenji Shuuya,The prince of the Flaming Kingdom." "It's a pleasure to meet you." They say in unison. The silver haired boy giggled making the fire prince blush slightly. Slowly the silver haired boy walks towards them,Shuuya especially and once fully down the stairs Shuuya finally sees how small the other boy is.

"You're the boy I'll be marrying right?" He asks tilting his head slightly. Shuuya's face burns brighter and he hopes it isn't too noticeable. "Yes,I hope you'll give me the pleasure of being your husband." He says trying to keep his cool. The other smiled. " it would be my pleasure."

(It's short,I'm sorry. School is shit,my life has gone to hell,I'm in Japan,I have to draw. Pretty much my reasons. I'll probs continue this soon,Anywyas happy New Years!)

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