Enki:Old Ass Chapter

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Dear Aphrodi I forgot about this. This old ass chapter when I started writing Inazuma. Well I figured I should use it cause why not. Feel free to say it's bad or cringe,cause I think so.
It was Valentines day and Endou was very busy making chocolate's for Everyone of his freinds and one especially for Kidou.He decorated Kidou's with pink colored chocolate heart's,and wrote on it "Love you"and placed it in a special box.Today Endou was planning on Confessing to Kidou in the most special way he can.As for the rest they got rainbow sprinkle's.he put them all in seperate box's,put their names on the boxes with a marker,and headed out.
Skip school*
Endou entered the club room and saw everyone was already giving out their chocolate's Endou noticed a certain blue and a certain Light Blonde haired boy's sitting alone together feeding each other chocolate Endou smiled at the adorable couple.Endou here!i have some chocolate for you!Sakuma said as he handed some chocolate to Endou.
Thanks.Endou said.here i have some for you too.Fudou said.Me too.Kazemaru said.thanks guy's have chocolate i have for everyone!Endou yelled as everyone went to find the box's with their name's on it.hey Endou don't you have one for me?Endou heared he immediately turned red as he faced Kidou,(im sorry Kidou without his glasses/Goggle's on).Uh oh i have one for you but i'll Uh give it later.Endou said.Are you Ok?Kidou asked as he placed his hand on Endou's forhead.Your really hot,do you have a Fever or something?Kidou asked.Oh uh yea im fine,its just cold.Endou said.In February?Kidou added.uh yea!Endou said.Later in the Evening.Endou was packing up and getting ready to leave before he felt a hand on his shoulder.Hey Endou Me,Sakuma,Fudou,Gouenji,Fubuki are hanging out by Kidou's place,Wanna Join?Kazemaru asked.oh uh yea sure.Endou said
.After everyone went to their Homes to get sleeping bags and pajamas.
.in Kidou's House.
they all were inside Kidou's room Sakuma was trying to watch TV in peace,But unfortunately was being bothered by Fudou like always,Gouneji,Fubuki and Kazemaru were playing board Game's and talking while Endou was sitting on the chair near Kidou's desk holding the box with Kidou's Chocolate in it.hey Endou what's that?Kidou asked leaning over Endou's Shoulder.Ah!Its nothing!Endou said standing up and hiding it behind him.You sure it's nothing you were staring at it for thirteen minute's Straight.Kidou said.Uh yea it nothing.Endou said.Well if it's nothing then you wouln't mind if i looked inside.Kidou said trying to reach for it.Ah no!...i Mean you should not waste your time looking at it,its not important.Endou said.Ok Fine,If you say so.Kidou said.Hey i need to get something from my House,I'll be back.Endou said running out of the room
.1 hour later.
where is Endou its been a hour.Kidou said putting on his shirt.he said we was going to get something from his house.Kidou said.Maybe He used that as a excuse to leave.Fubuki said.in this storm?Gouenji added as he opened the curtain to reveal a thunder storm,and a strong one.I'll go look for him.Kidou said putting on his jacket and leaving the room with a umbrella
.In Endou's House.
Endou?Are you here?Kidou asked as he opened the door to Endou's House.It was Empty and the lights were turned off.Kidou turned on the lights and looked around  for any clues on where Endou could be.He went to Endou's room and checked all of Endou's things he looked at Endou's desk and saw a photo of him and Endou.what?Kidou thought.the photo was him and Endou at the steel Tower when he first joined the team.Kidou looked at the photo for a while before a thought shot through his head.Could you be....?!Kidou thought as he ran to inazuma Steel Tower.
With Endou.
Endou was leaning against the tower hugging his legs and his head on his knees trying to keep the box dry.
Why?!Why Can't I Tell You?!What's Wrong With Me?!Endou thought as Tear's Fell down his cheek's.It's Cold,Im cold.Endou thought hugging himself closer.Endou closed his eye's as the rain fell on him but he soon felt nothing.he opened his eye's and looked up to see Kidou Holding the umbrella over him.You know it's not a good idea to sit out in the rain,You'll catch a Cold.Kidou said smilling.Kidou I-i.Endou said stuttering.Kidou kneeled down and hugged Endou.Endou was surprised that Kidou was Hugging him.Endou closed his eye's and hugged Kidou back.He's so warm~ Endou thought as he melted into the hug.Your So Wet,Here.Kidou said putting his jacket on Endou's Shoulders.T-thank you.Endou said blushing a bit more.c'mon let's Go.Kidou said.He helped Endou get up and slowly and they slowly walked back to Kidou's house. Kidou holding the umbrella and Endou gripping on to Kidou's Jacket.After around 25 minutes they finally reached the House and entered.Kidou,Thank you. Endou said.its no problem but,your still wet,let's get you a towel.Kidou said taking Endou's hand and bringing him to the bathroom.here.Kidou said handing Endou a towel.Endou Was about to grab it before he stoped.Endou?Kidou asked. Endou closed his eye's as fell forward. Endou!Kidou yelled catching him.you have a Fever.Kidou said sighing
.The next day.
Endou woke up with the bright morning light in his face.ugh where am i?Endou asked himself.he looked around and saw everyone was sleeping on futon's and most without one.Where am i?Oh right im in Kidou's room.Endou said to himself.wait i dont remember folding out my sleeping mat yesterday,And...am i on a bed!?....Endou thought as he looked to his left and saw Kidou sleeping.I was sleeping with Kidou?!Endou mentally screamed.he heard a yawn and looked at Kidou to see that he was waking up.morning....Endou.Kidou said lifting his hand to touch Endou's cheek.ah!....M-m-morning Kidou.Endou said.Kidou just laughed and sat up.Im glad to see your doing better now.Kidou said. Huh?What happened?Endou asked.Oh you passed out yesterday since you caught a fever.Kidou said.Oh then it's my fault for running off,Im sorry about yesterday Endou said.Its fine,Besides it was because of this wasn't it.Kidou said holding the Box with his name on it.Oh-I-uh.Endou was at this rate a blushing mess.look I can Expla-!Endou said but he wasn't able to finish because Kidou had pressed his lips against his.He's Kissing me?He's Kissing me!Endou was mentally screaming as Kidou started to kiss him more passionately.Endou melted into the kiss and kissed back.Is this a dream?No im sure im awake.Endou thought.When they ended the kiss a string of Siliva.I love you too.Kidou said as he placed his hand on Endou's cheek. Kidou.....I-I Love you!Endou yelled hugging Kidou and nearly knocking him over.ah!whats going on?!who's yelling?!Kazemaru said waking up. Ah relax its just Kidou finally proposing to Endou.Fudou joked as he streched.hey!Shut up!Kidou yelled at Fudou who only smiled. Oh sorry did i wake you up?Endou said scratching the back of his head.can you guys keep it down.
gouenji said half asleep.your gonna wake up Fubuki.Gouenji said pating the head of his blue haired lover.geez.Sakuma said rolling his eye's as he slowly woke up.im going out to take a bath,
Ok?Kidou said getting up.Ok,i wanna sleep more anyways.Endou said falling back onto the bed.Ok i'll wake you up when im done.
Kidou said as he walked out the door.
Kidou entered back into the room to see Endou asleep on the Bed sleeping peacefully.Sakuma,Fudou And Kazemaru were queitly playing cards in the corner of the room.morning Kidou.Gouenji said he was sitting up with Fubuki still sleeping on his lap.Morning.
Kidou said.Kidou walked to Endou and lightly patted his head.Endou wake up.Kidou said.huh?Endou said slowy opening his eye's to the red eyed boy infront of him.Morning Kidou.Endou said.um done with my bath,you should take a bath too.Kidou said.ok ok yea.Endou said slowy getting up and walking to the bathroom.
What should we do now.Kazemaru said Fixing his hair.Lets go to the mall.Fubuki said.eh?why?Fudou said said. Confused .Well its fun, an besides we can do something together,all of us. Fubuki said.seeing as they had no better ideas they all got up and headed out.


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