Bells and Cheers(Kiyama Tatsuya X Midorikawa Ryuuji)

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Tatsuya could not stay still as he stood at the alter,figiting worth the cuffs of his tux. "Nervous?" Nagumo asked standing next to him. "Yea,I mean what if I'm not good enough? Is this a dream?!" Nagumo Pat him on the back. "Calm down and your not dreaming. Take a deep breathe. Look you're a good guy and he knows that,he chose you be happy." The doors opened to reveal lots of little children boys and girls carrying flower baskets. They scattered the pettals everywhere and even on each other. Once they were done they made way for the the bridesmaids (don't wanna write bout this so here's a list. Sakuma,Kazemaru,Reina then maid of honour would be Suzuno boi).

Finally it was time for the bride/Groom. Ryuuji stood at the end of the hall with Osamu by his side. Osamu held out his arm and Ryuuji takes his arm and they start walking. He was truly beautiful, not like he wasn't everyday. Despite all of Tatsuya's efforts telling him not to Ryuuji was seen wearing a dress. It was a white fading to green floor length dress with lace sleeves. His bouquet was filled with pink Carnations (I will never forget you) and lavenders(devotion).

Once they reached the end of the aisle Ryuuji said his goodbye to Osamu and continued to walk to the alter and stood by Tatsuya. "I though I said you could wear a Tux,you didn't need to wear a dress." Tatsuya whispered. "I know it's just they kinda pushed me to do so,and besides don't I look good in this?"(sounds like something Suzuno would say)
Both laughed and turned around to meet a girl with medium green-ish black and green. She began to speak.

Ladies and Gentlemen, friends and family we are gathered her today to celebrate he Union of Kiyama Tatsuya and Midorikawa Ryuuji. Both have been through so much pain and suffering from the loss of their parents to the Aliea Incident but through their pain they met each other and now today they come together. Kiyama Tatsuya, you tho annoying we're very caring and defended what you knew was right. You and Hiroto were and still are very annoying little bothers but we're both loving towards each other and to your lovers. Ryuuji You we're always a sweet boy ever since I met you. You've always been by Tatsuya's side and never left him. Tatsuya made the right choice in choosing you, I hope you take care of him."
Ryuuji smiles at Hitomiko and she takes a step back. "You may now recite your vows."

Ryuuji and Tatsuya turned to each other and Ryuuji nodded signaling Tatsuya should start first. Tatsuya hurriedly took out a paper from his tux and started reading.

"Ryuuji I love you, more than Anyhting. You are my world and everything. You've always stayed by me even when I was annoying,which is all the time. You are not perfect,no one is but I love you. I always knew what I wanted in someone growing up and when I knelt down infront of you I set my desire on you. You were everything I wanted and more. Life would have never been the same without you in it and I can't believe a world where your not with me.
The days we are apart my heart aches to see you again and when I finally get to hold you in my arms my body doesn't want to let you go.
Standing here today I want the whole world to know your Mine and I love you."

Tatsuya watched As a small Tear fall out of his and roll onto his cheek before falling. He takes a deep breathe and states his vow.

"Tatsuya you have and always were by my side. You didn't care about how I always was saying proverbs and how annoying it could get. You didn't mind it when I would get flustered on the dates we had. You always had the right things to say when I was down,you were the should I could cry on. If only our parents could see us now. The day you asked me to be your friend,The day you asked me to be your boyfriend,and the day you kneeled I didn't know how to react,you took my breathe away. I think this quote would best summarise how much you mean to me.
' We first met as strangers, became friends, then best friends. I could not believe that we are lovers right now, but I do not forget to found you as one of my blessings everyday.'

After he finished a young boy with blonde hair and purple eyes the age of maybe 10-12 came up to us holding a box with the rings. Ryuuji smiled and took the rings. He took the ring with a small Emerald in the Center and took my hand in his. "May this ring be a reminder of my never ending love for you, to remind you of how much we've been through to get to this point now." Tatsuya smiles and at him and take the other ring, decorated with a ruby into Center and held his hand in his. He slid the ring down to the base of his finger, it met with another ring decorated with a small diamond,his engagement ring. He looks up to met his gaze and gave his hand a light squeeze. "And May this ring remind you of my everlasting love for you, to remind you of the path ahead and how I'm ready to spend every single step of it with you by my side."

"Midorikawa Ryuuji,do you take Kiyama Tatsuya to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health, to carry on his name and to stay by his side until death do part?" Hitomiko asked and Midorikawa didn't waste a single second to almost scream out his answer. "I Do!" "And do you Kiyama Tatsuya, Take Midorikawa Ryuuji to be your Lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health, do you allow to to carry on your name and to stay by his side till death do part?" Tatsuya took a deep breathe and looked around the room. Their childhood friends looks ranged from 'their actually getting married' to 'Just Kiss Already!' Hiroto laughed before facing back at his lover. He stared into Ryuuji's wonderful black and took in every single detail before finally breathing out a.

"I Do."

"Then with the power vested in me I pronounce you two Husbands. You May now kiss your groom!" And with that Tatsuya wasted no time in pulling Ryuuji into a passionate kiss who the greenhead returned with no hesitation. The crowd cheered for the newly weds.

Kiyama Tatsuya and Kiyama Ryuuji.

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