Sing My Song(Kiyama Hiroto/Tatsuya x Midorikawa Ryuuji)

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3rd Person POV

Hiroto sighed as he walked into his and Midorikawa's bedroom and dropped his bag near the door. The sound of the ages rain banging against the window didn't bother Hiroto enough to catch his attention instead looking over to the empty bed across the room from his. Slowly he walked closer to the others side of the room that was primarily covered in crumpled papers some old clothes and a rushed made bed. Which made Hiroto smile small bits of old memories filled his head.

He looked out the large window in the room as he remembered when they were younger. Running around in the rain and mud together, then right after going inside only to be Scolded by Hitomiko.
Hiroto leaned his arm against the window,followed by his head as he formed a small smile. He missed the good old days,and the old Midorikawa. It's not that he doesn't like Midorikawa now,but he does miss his adorable smile and his squishy cheeks when they were little. He missed the small hugs and the occasional holding of hand when they were still to innocent to realize that it could be anything more than just friendship.

The loud sound of thunder brought Hiroto out of his thoughts and startled causing him to take a few steps back. He could feel his heart beating fast and his slight heavy breathing. As he calmed down he continued to look out the window at the rain before turning away and walking to his bed. He sat down as he continued to collect his thoughts and waited for his heartbeat to turn normal. It was Quiet. He sat in silence before sighing and falling backwards in to his bed. He turned his head towards his bedside table where a frame with a photo could be seen.

He stared at the photo is him and Midorikawa when they were younger. They were in some kind of flower field lying down on the grass. Hiroto holding a soccer ball and Midorikawa smiling beside him. The photo was taken around this time of year but it was very sunny that time. Many flowers were blooming and it almost never rained. Hiroto closed his eyes and  the only thing left ringing in his mind was "Ryuuji."

Not too far from the dorms was Midorikawa Standing in the middle of the soccer field.
Midorikawa,too pre-occupied with a old memory. It Almost seemed he couldn't feel the heavy rain on his skin or his hair getting wet. He just stood there staring at the ground. He remembers when they were younger. When they would occasionally visit a Flower field and play in it. Roll around in the grass and chase each other only to fall and be covered in flower petals and grass. But Midorikawa can remember how he would stare in Awe as he watch Hiroto walk around. Everywhere he walked it's seemed all the flowers around him would bloom.
He smiled at their young innocence. They were so happy with just the Idea of basking in each others company. Nothing but them and a clear sky and white flowers blossoming around them. Like something out of a dream.

But life isnt a Dream. That's the Cruel truth ot Reality that Ryuuji knows all too well.

Their Separation slowly killing him. His only role to fit into the expections of being the leader Gimini storm.
To follow Aliea's Goal without resistance. Even with everything in the past. He cant seem to move on. How everything moves on but he cant.

Lost in his thoughts he can barely register his legs shaking and falling onto the ground.his body shivering after being the the rain for so long the water on his face, id it tears or the rain he cant differentiate.


Hiroto found Midorikawa kneeling on he ground. A hand covering half his face and the other on his lap as he cried.

He ran and kneeled next to him,seemingly not caring about the heavy rain and getting soaked and held out his arms infront of The greenette which the Latter accepted and jumped into the red haireds arms. The greenette cried in the red heads arms not that it would have changed his already soaked shirt. Hiroto patiently waited holding the other close and rubbing circles on their backs.

"How I feel that I need to be
need to be stronger"

Hiroto pulled away only to move the strands of hair on the greenettes face before leaving his hand on the others cheek. Midorikawa moves a hand to touch Hiroto's. Basking in the warmth.

The Rain continues throughout the night but even as the two stand still. Whether in the field covered in mud and rain. Or in their room basking in just eachothers Company and warmth. The world keepts moving and its only a matter of time until they do. 

I don't know where I was going with this but it took a while. Hope you like it cause I'm better at drawing than Writting

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