Late Night Working(Endou Mamoru X Kidou Yuuto)

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This is my Fucking OTP and I Love It!I don't give one fuck if it's a rare ship it was one of He first scenes of inazuma I ever saw!also enjoy cause I did this in under 6-8 hours.Also Also Happy New Years! currently in Japan so all my friends back home in the Philippines.understand

Kidou's POV

It was late at night or early morning I really couldn't tell.I was in my office working on my laptop.This isn't my first all nighter or late night working nor would it be the last.the room was quiet besides the tapping of the keys form my keyboard.the only light source in the room was my laptops screen.

the sound doorknob turning replaces the silence and the creak of the door slowly opening.i don't bother to look up knowing who it was as I continue working.his footsteps come closer,Louder but I continue ignoring him.

Soon a pair of arms wrap around me and a head rests beside mine his cheek pressing against my own."Yuuto"I Ignore Him
"Yuuto,Come To bed"I sigh and Stop typing "Not now Endou"I try to remove his hands from around me but he grips onto my clothes.
"Endou I need to finish this,I'll be there in a few hours"He doesn't listen"This is what?like your 3rd all nighter this month,Take a break""I will when I'm done,You need rest for later"I turn to kiss his cheek.He smiles, He smiles they way he always has.i wide smile that suited him well.One of the reasons I love him.His smile turns into a yawn and his eyes closing.

I smile inwardly and close my laptop,help Endou wall back to our room and open the door.i head to the closet as Endou walks to the bed and sits As I walk to the bathroom to change and expect that Endou has Passed out by now, which he has.A Small quiet laugh escapes my mouth And i hope I haven't woken him.i walk to my side of the bed lay down,take of my glasses and turn to face him.
His eyes open slightly and he moves closer to wrap his arms around me.A Small smile forms  and do the same as he buries his face in my shoulder.a small"I love you" broke the silence I look down at him and all the reasons I loved him filled my head."I love you too"I could feel his mouth form a smile and it fades as he falls asleep.
I hold him close as I wait for my own self to fall into Sleep.

I have so much work to continue

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