A Thousand Years(Afuro Terumi/Aphrodi X Kazemaru Ichirouta)

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Kazemaru remembers so clearly the day they met. The time they spent together. And the day he left.

It was night time and all the stars were out shinning so bright in the dark night sky. Kazemaru sat on a rock looking up to the sight. He could hear the waves crashing onto the land from the nearby beach and the conversations of the townspeople,but he paid no mind it them instead watching the the stars twinkle and dance.

"Do you mind if I join you?" A voice said. Kazemaru turned around to see another boy looking at him. He had long blonde hair,he had white Chiton draped over his right shoulder and was slightly tucked in at the waist. It had red and gold trim and He head a wreath around his head.

He stayed quiet for a while before moving slightly to allow the other to sit nex to him.The blonde smilled at him and sat down looking up to the sky."It's pretty right?" He asked his sight still set on the clear starry night.
"Yea,it's beautiful" Kazemaru replies sitting up to reach a hand out to the sky. "One day,I want to fly up and see the stars from the clouds that way,if it rains or it's cloudy it won't bother me." Kazemaru said before lowering his hand down. "But I know I can't." He looked down his his legs,or rather Tail. "Why not?" He Blonde asked tilting his head. "I don't have wings,and I can't walk on land. I'm stuck here living in the ocean...All alone." Kazemaru said sadly. "Your not alone,I'll be here with you!" The blonde said which surprised Kazemaru but he smiled. "What's your name?" Kazemaru asked. The boy  stayed quiet thinking. "I don't have one..." he admitted. "Then I'll name you Afuro!" Kazemaru said. "Ok then." Afuro smiled.

That was the first night Kazemaru wasn't alone
It had been years since they met and over time both had grown to love the other. And Afuro wanted to make that clear.

On the night they met he asked Kazemaru to meet him where they first met. Kazemaru was surprised to see Afuro there holding a Rose. "You made it!" He said. Kazemaru smiled. "Ofcourse!why wouldn't I?" He said swimming closer to him and sitting down. "This is...uh..for you." Afuro said handing the Rose to Kazemaru who was taken a back slightly but took it. "It's lovely,but is there a reason why you wanted to meet here?" He asked his eyes fixated on the flower. "Uh yea,the truth is...." Afuro couldn't speak for a while which caught Kazemaru's attention. "Is something wrong?" He asked. "Kazemaru I...I think I like no,I think I love you." Afuro admitted He's was blushing. Kazemaru was taken a back by this kit kissed the blondes cheek. "I love you too." Afuro smiled. "Can you open your hand for me?" He asked and Kazemaru tilted his head. "Why?" He asked curious. "Just do it." He sighed and opened his hand and Afuro placed something inside and closed his hand Before letting go of his arm.

Kazemaru opened his palm to find a golden necklace with a shining blue sapphire in the middle of a raindrop pendant. Kazemaru was left speechless his mouth gaping open while Afuro laughed quietly. "Do you like it?" Kazemaru looked up to him closing his mouth, he took one last look at the necklace before hugging Afuro. "I love it,thank you." He said in his neck. Afuro rubed his back "don't mention it." They pulled away and Afuro took the necklace and placed it on Kazemaru. Kazemaru kissed him on the cheek and for the rest of the night they spent in silence,hand in hand.

That was the first day Kazemaru knew he would never be lonely again....or so he thought.

"Won't you join me?" Kazemaru stayed silent at the sudden request. Afuro was asked to go to the heavens and join the gods. He was meant to leave the night of their Anniversary which was why he had asked Kazemaru to meet him by their special meeting place. Kazemaru and Afuro spent the night together Afuro almost forgetting he had to leave by dawn. Eventually he saw how close the moon was to setting and finally asked his boyfriend if he would join him.

He had spent a long while thinking before finally giving him a answer. "I'm sorry Afuro,but I can't just leave my home." Afuro looked sad but tried his best to keep calm. "I guess this is goodbye." Kazemaru said as he began to cry. Afuro made Kazemaru face him,the others cheek in his hand. "This isn't goodbye,I'll be back." Afuro said softly. Kazemaru continued to cry "but what if,you forget me.." Afuro stood in shock at what he had heard before kissing his tears away before looking him in his eyes "I will never forget you,I'll always love you. I've loved you for a thousand years,and I'll love you for a thousand more."(bet most of you know this line)Afuro leaned in to kissed Kazemaru. Kazumaru kissed him back and closed his eyes. It had felt like forever before the broke it and when Kazemaru opened his eyes Afuro was no longer there.

He was all alone Again.
It had became night time and all the stars were out. Kazemaru Swam to the serface to look at the shining night sky holding the necklace in his hand.he swam to the closest rock,the one where he had first spoken to him and sat down. Afuro watched from afar his beloved stare at the magnificent sight and for a brief moment he couldn't move. Slowly but surely he floated towards him. "Mind if I join you?" He asked which surprised the blue head. He didn't say anything instead moving aside and patting the empty space. Afuro sat down next to him and both stayed quiet staring up into the sky.

After a long silence Afuro spoke up. "Beautiful right?" "Yea,it is." Again silence,Then Afuro Leaned towards Kazemaru and kissed his cheek"I Missed You." This caught Kazemaru off guard but He took the blondes cheek in his hand and made him face him before leaning in to kiss him. For once that night Afuro was the one surprised but not before long he kissed back. And how he had missed this and him. They broke away and Kazemaru spoke"I've missed you too." Both smiled before leaning closer to the other for another kiss.

It's funny really,to think that they would meet again the same way they met all those years ago. But it doesn't bother him that he falls for him again.Kazemaru wasn't alone that night,and neither was Afuro. For once in a long time both felt complete.

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