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Sorry if I haven't posted anything yet I'm just really busy with school and drawing so just have this part I have finished

Kirino Runs as fast as he can to the hospital a crumpled paper in his hands 'Please god let me make it on time,Please don't take him from me!' He Remembers what had caused him to run this fast.
He blinks out the tears in his eyes that he hadn't even realised he had and he burst the hospital doors Open. An Anxious Midorikawa waiting for him. "Kirino-Kun!" He was given barely anytime to talk before
Kirino cuts him off. "Where is he?!" Midorikawa surprised takes a short while before shaking his head and ushering the boy to a room.

Then after more running their there infront of a door a plate on the front reading 'Kariya Masaki'.
Kirino takes a deep breathe and pushes the door open only to be met with the sounds of beeping from the machines in the room. He steps in slowly a small scent of flowers and blood. He steps closer always hesitating before finally getting to he unconscious Teals side,countless wires attayto his body and a bucket of bloody petals beside him on a bedside table.

"He seems to be breathing fine now." A voice interrupts the silence and a doctor walks in. "Are You a friend of his?" The Doctor asks Kirino opens his mouth and then closes it. 'What are they? Freinds?Rivals?' He doesn't know ho to explain. "What's your name?" The Doctor asks. "Kirino Ranmaru." He replies as calmly his voice will allow the doctors eyes open wider ever so slightly and then do back to normal. "Kirino Ranmaru?" They look at the boy before handing him a crumpled letter. "This letter was in Masaki-Kuns hand when he arrived here ,its addressed to you." Kirino Takes the letter handling it carefully and Doctor smiles and leaves the room. Kirino sits down on a nearby chair and takes the unconscious Masaki'd hand in his own. A small smile comes upon the Pinkheads face. "Hey Masaki." He Says in a whisper. He takes this achieve to take a proper look at the letter. His name writting on it and Kariya's Handwriting and as he unfolds the letter carefully a long poem can be Seen. He reads the letter as a tear runs down his face.


Kirino Ranmaru,The upperclassmen who has stolen my heart.
I've been in love with you,Since the very start.
Everyday and Every-night,Even before I wake up.
Your always holding my heart.
The moments i see you,Never once dull.
The times I can't find,Are never as much fun.
You love me,but not the way I do.
You love him,the same way I love you.
If only my heart would allow me to see, That your not the one meant for me.
I can't help but watch from Afar,The way you laugh is like you worry about nothing at all.
I wonder if you can hear my heart beat when your near.
I think about a future with you here.
Your stupid smile makes my heart melt.
Your grace and Beauty entrance me.
I can only wonder and smile thinking about if you could ever love me.

-Kariya Masaki"

Kirino let's tears roll down his face and he lets a small sad smile show. He holds the unconscious boy's hand in his,Rubbing his thumb over it. "Get better soon."

It's not done and you don't need to get what's going on cause this is suppose to be a second part to the Hanahaki RanMasa. There might be three parts or not.

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