Pain(Afuro Terumi/Aphrodi X Kazemaru Ichirouta)

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I wrote this with the same injury as it giving Kaze with i find Ironic because I wrote this a month prior.anyways despite the title their is no like abuse or anything here so yea.hope ya enjoy.This is Also the chapter of this month


Kazemaru's POV

It was night time I could tell by looking out the window it was quiet besides for the TV that's been left on for hours but I haven't been watching anything I had left it on just so it wouldn't be dead quiet.i was waiting for someone and had been sitting here for hours. I could have gotten up and left but there's one problem...

I can't.

Outside a Familiar car pulls up in the drive way and a certain Blonde stepped out of the drivers side and walked into the house."Kaze-kun,I'm Home!"I adjust to get a better look at him as a small smile forms on my face"I saw"he dropped his bag and began to walk towards me."How are you?,do you wanna go up stairs?"he sits down beside me and I rest my head on his lap."It doesn't hurt as much,I can do it myself""I don't trust you walking in your condition"I look up at him and smile"Trust me I'm Fi-"I Tried to get up up immediately felt the earths gravitational force drag me down(Damn Gravity).luckily He was able to catch me"you were saying?"He had a smirk on his face"Ok fine,maybe I do need help"He picks me up and walk up stairs."Dumb leg"He looks at me and laughs"it's your fault,you weren't paying attention ""don't blame me,I was to busy looking at you"he rolls his eyes.

He Lays me down on the bed and walks to the bathroom.i wait on the bed Fidgeting with my hair.the door of the bathroom unlocks and I turn my head in its direction,standing in the doorway was Terumi with only pants on,hair still dripping slightly.i didn't notice I had been staring at him for so long till"You're Staring again,Kaze"The words echoed through my head from not to long Ago.

3 Weeks Before

"You're staring again,Kaze"The blonde haired boy said next to me.I couldn't hear him properly,to focused on the blonde boy on the field.

Afuro Terumi

His hair blowed in the wind as he and the others played.he had come over to play with Endou and eventually most of the team joined in to play.including me and Gouenji.
"Kaze,Watch Out!"I heared someone yell and I come to my senses.the ball was coming straight towards me at full speed but I was still slightly stunned to move and get out of the way.eventually I felt the impact of something but it definitely wasn't a ball,more like a body being pushed against me,and I soon feel the ground hitting my back hard.i look up to see Afuro on top of me"That was Close"I blush"you should stay alert""Aphrodi!Kaze!are you ok?!"
Endou yelled running towards us"yea I'm fine" Afuro says getting off me"Yea me to-!"I felt a sharp pain in my leg and my eyes shot open
"Kaze!are you ok?!"Endou sits beside me"y-yea I'm f-fine"I say but pain was clearly written on my face.i felt Endou press his finger against my ankle."Ouch!"Kidou comes over and checks it along with Aki."I don't think you can play"Kidou says and Aki seems to Agree"What?!Why?!""the muscles around your Ankle are swollen,you need rest"I open my mouth to respond but I have nothing to say"But who will say with him?"Endou Asks

"I'll do it"We turn to Aphrodi getting off the ground"it's my fault for pushing him anyways" Kidou smiles"it's not your fault,you were just trying to prevent a even worse outcome""Then it's settled Kaze will stay with Aphrodi"Endou says"You Want me to stay with someone from another school?,what about the homework and other things"We will come and visit but you should just stay with Aphrodi since he insists"Kidou Says"And Besides.."he comes closer"Im sure you have nothing against this" I blush.

He helps me walk to his house and to his room.
"I'm you can stay here for now and tomorrow we can get your stuff"I nodded.he sets me down on his bed"I'll be back in a while"he starts walking but I stop him"Kaze?"I open my mouth but my coice won't come out."Kaze,are you ok?"His voice showed concern"Why?""What?""Why?why are you so concerned about me?"I refute to look at him a blush still on my face."Why?thats simple"He grabs my chin and makes me face him"The reason is..."he comes closer to me and eventually closing the gap between us.his lips are soft and i liked the way Afuro's lips felt against mine.and eventually he broke the kiss"Does that Tell you Why I'm so concerned"I was left wide mouth, blush covered face had nothing to say. eventaully I did come to my senses and smiled a little"Yea it does"

I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and I smile"Afuro?"He snuggles his face into my hair"I love you,Ichirouta"he closes his eyes and I smile and go closer into the hug"I love you too,Terumi"and I fall Asleep.

"'and Always will"

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