Ice Skating(Nagumo Haruya X Suzuno Fuusuke)

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It was a winter day. In a nearby. Frozen lake couples were skating together like Tatsuya and Midorikawa,And Heat and Nepper. Some were sitting down near the pond but didn't wish to skate like Mutou and Hiroto(I ship,idk why) Things were Quiet and peaceful. At least until Nagumo started Swearing.

"Fuck!"Nagumo said as he sat on the ground. He had slipped and fell on his ass again."Must you swear?"Suzuno asked skating towards him."well I'm sorry,I didn't want to be here!" Nagumo spat back. Suzuno sighed and held out his hand."C'mon get up"Nagumo started him for a while before grabbing his hand and getting up. Suzuno had pulled Him up a little to forcefully cause he ended up bumping into him making them inches away from each other. Suzuno stayed silent as he looked into Nagumo's golden eyes. Nagumo blushed slightly before turning away."Thanks"he said before skating or trying anyways away.

Later that day...

"You ok?you've been staring off into space for like 10minutes."Tatsuya said sipping his hot chocolate."Yea I'm fine,just thinking about something"Nagumo said."And that something must be Suzuno"Hiroto said smirking. Nagumo blushed. "No I wasn't." He turned away from the two. "Sure ya weren't." Hiroto said laughing slightly. Nagumo tolled his eyes "do you plan on telling him?" Mutou asked."yea but if I'm gonna ask him I want it it be special"Nagumo said. "You know what would make it special if I just pushed him into you." Hiroto said. Satoshi slapped him across the head.

With Suzuno...

From another table Suzuno watched Nagumo and a few others talk tho they were to far away to hear what they were saying.
"If your gonna keep staring at him might as well make a move." Reina said. Suzuno blushed and turned away. "Staring at who? I was just thinking about something." "Yea sure." Raina said laughing. "Do you plan on confessing to him?" Midorikawa asked eating a cookie. Suzuno really couldn't say anything to make them believe otherwise. Both knew of his crush. "No I can't its just,I'm scared" Suzuno said looking down at the table. "You know Fuusuke there is a saying that goes like this. 'It's better to know now and be disappointed than to never know and always wonder'". Suzuno thought about what he said.

Later that day.....again....

"So what do we do exactly?"Midorikawa asked
Him,Tatsuya,Hiroto and Nagumo were all in the living room thinking of ways to get him with Suzuno." We could ask him to be my Valentine?" Nagumo said. "That's like...two months from now." Hiroto said. "I could just push him into you." Tatsuya slapped Hiroto across the head. "Your not doing what you did to me and Mido to Suzuno and Haruya." He was quiet for a while and it felt as if they should go with the valentine plan until Mido spoke"I have a idea!"Midorikawa said."what is it?" Nagumo,Tatsuya and Hiroto asked." Midorikawa whispered it to Tatsuya and Hiroto who started smirking."That might just work." The three turned to Nagumo who at this rate was scared out of his mind.

Later during the night...

Suzuno looked out his bedroom window. He stared in awe as snow started falling it was a lovely thing to watch in person,he only wished to be spending this time with someone else instead of in his room alone. A sudden knock on his door interrupts his thoughts. As he gets up he wonders who would be up this late?

He unlocks the door to see Midorikawa. He seemed a little excited about something seeing as he was bouncing up and down a little."Hey Mido. Did you need something?" "I have a surprise for you Suzuno,close your eyes." Midorikawa said as innocently as possible. "Mido you should know I don't like surprises can't you just tell me why it is?" Suzuno said.
"I'm sorry but I can't tell you,please close your eyes." Suzuno sighed and closed them. He felt something being tied around his face,or more specifically his eyes. A blind fold? Midorikawa started pushing him forward all the way to the pond.

"Ok we're here!""Finally." Suzuno took of the blind fold to reveal the pond with Fairy lights surrounding it. The snow he had watched fall moved out of the way to make a border around the frozen lake. He noticed besides Midorikawa that Tatsuya,Hiroto,Mutou,Saginuma,Reina, and the whole diamond dust and Prominence team members were there aswell. But no Nagumo. He noticed a pair of ice skates to his side,colour blue with snowflakes decorated on the sides of it. "What's going on?" He asked Still In surprise. "Just put on the damn ice skates!" Hiroto yells and is promptly shut up by Mutou. Suzuno did as Hiroto said and put them on and got on the ice. He noticed no one else joined him instead watching from the edge of the ice. He heard the sound of someone coming closer to him and he turned around. He saw Nagumo skating towards him.
"N-Nagumo? When did you learn to skate?" Suzuno asked Smilling a bit. "Earlier today Hiroto and Tatsuya we're teaching me None stop." He said turning his head to the two who smiled."Anyways." He held out his hand to Suzuno." Wanna dance?" Suzuno smiles and took his hand.

Music started playing and Nagumo started singing as both started skating together locked on each other.

(Music:Be your everything)

Four letter word
But I don't have the guts to say it
Smile til it hurts
Lets not make it complicated
We've got a story
But I'm about to change the ending
You're perfect for me
You're more than just a friend so we can just stop pretending now
I gotta let you know somehow

I'll be your shelter
I'll be your storm
I'll make you shiver
I'll keep you warm
Whatever weather
Baby I'm yours
I'll be your forever, be your fling
Baby I will be your everything

We used to say
That we would always stay together
But who's to say
We could never last forever
Girl, got a question
Could you see yourself with somebody else?
'Cause I'm on a mission
And I don't wanna share I want you all to myself right now
I just wanna scream it out

I'll be your shelter
I'll be your storm
I'll make you shiver
I'll keep you warm
Whatever weather
Well baby I'm yours
I'll be your forever, be your fling
Baby I will be your everything

No matter what you do
I'll be there for you
Every time you close your eyes
I will be by your side
Just this time you make me sing

I'll be your shelter
I'll be your storm
I'll make you shiver
I'll keep you warm
Whatever weather
Baby I'm yours
I'll be your forever, be your fling
Baby I will be your everything
Baby I will
Baby I will
Baby I will be your everything
Baby I will be your everything

The music slowly faded away and both stopped skating. They remained Quiet before Nagumo broke it."Fuusuke"Suzuno starred at Him,he can't recall the last time he had been called by his first name."Yea?"he said both still holding hands."I love you"Suzuno blushed Nagumo had just told him he loved him."Shut up"Suzuno turned away from the redhead. Nagumo laughs slightly and in a short while Suzuno joins him. "Your such a idiot,you didn't need to do all this if all you were gonna say was that"Suzuno says Smilling."But I wanted to,Did you not like it?" Nagumo asked. Suzuno pecked his cheek"No I loved it".


I swear I think this is so bad. But it's decent I guess.anyways I posted this cause why not get them out early schools starimting soon and I won't be posting every month I'd get them out early.

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