Magic Mirror(Kirino Ranmaru x Kariya Masaki) Part 1

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This story is based off the song magic mirror from Vocaloid. Hope you enjoy!


In a world where Hundreds and Hundreds of years of war had been going on,in a old abandoned house lived a young boy who lived in its attic. He had no friends nor family, his existence unbeknownst to the world. The boy was severely ill,so weak that he could barely walk,even tho he didn't give up hope. He hoped for a world where the war has ended, the sounds of bird chirping replacing the constant sounds of Gunfire day and night. He hoped for a world where he wouldn't be afraid of the next day,if he would die by the hands of his sickness,or by the enemies. But as long as the sun would shine through the window he never gave up hope and never stopped wishing knowing wishing would do nothing there was one wish he never stoped praying for.

He would always wish for a friend in the world.

It was a restless night for the boy,not that the constant gunfire and fear that people would raid the house helped with it. He got up,giving up entirely on trying to get back to sleep. He walked to the window and opened it slightly to get some fresh air in. He watched the full moon
Entranced by its bright glow. He let out a sigh, closed his eyes and murmured in a soft voice "I wish for a friend." He turned around to go try doing something else when he noticed under a dusty old white clothes a small blue glow illuminating from underneath it. Confused the boy walked up to the clothes and slowly pulled it off to reveal a old and dirty mirror. Instead of his reflection it was that of another boys. The boy was well dressed,his teal hair slightly falling over his shoulder,his golden eyes staring directly back at him and a small smile on his face.

"Greetings!" The boy said taking the other by surprise. "W-who are you?!" The boy asked taking a few steps back. "I am a magician who can grant your every wish." The boy said giving a small laugh. The other starred at the boy in the mirror for a a minute or two trying to process what he is seeing and hearing. "A magician?" He asked. The other nodded. "But why are you in a mirror?" The boy asked but the other turned away. "We've only just met, I'll tell you on a later date. Right now why don't we get more acquainted?" The Teal said. "I'm Kariya Masaki." The Boy (I can stop now) said In warm tone. "Kirino Ranmaru" The other said. "Well Kirino-Kun,it's a pleasure to meet you."


The two started talking everyday,days turned into weeks and each day they grew more and more closer. Kirino has finally found someone he could talk about his problems to,someone he can joke and laugh with,someone who was also alone.

"Kariya -Kun?" Kirino asked drawing The Teal haired boys attention. "Yes? Is something I your mind?" The Teal asked watching the other. "Well I was wondering,would you mind it if I called you by first friend." The pinkette asked only to receive a confused look from the other. "What's a friend?" Kariya asked. "You don't know what a friend is???" Kirino said in shock and Kariya nodded. "Would you mind explaining?" The other asked. "Kirino pondered on how to phrase or explain what a friend was like and eventually found the right words. "Well... a friend is someon you can talk to when your feeling down or bored. Someon you can laugh and have fun with. Someone who you trust." Kariya thought about those words before smiling at the other. "Then no, I don't mind being your first friend Kirino-kun!"

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