Game Night(Fudou Akio X Sakuma Jirou)

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(This is a reference to persona 4 and/or persona 4 Golden)

Truth or dare,the game that is most commonly played by grade schoolers and girls during sleep overs and a game that I'm sure you all know.A game where you are asked the questions truth or dare and by the words alone I'm certain you know what they mean.a game that Sakuma is wished they had chosen to play instead of the game hat they were playing which I hope you all know by the name of..


For the sake of those who don't know a game where players are to draw out from a cup or any other container a stick.Who ever gets the stick with thre red marking is the king
(or queen)every one else will receive a stick with a number on it.The king can choose 2 less or more numbers and make them do a dare,the players with those Numbers must perform the dare.

It was their 2nd year in college and the night of their Final exams with tomorrow being the start of summer break and Endou Suggested that they should try going to the Bar near the school.

So there they were in a private room inside the bar.a few bottles and cups were set on the table,Empty,Half,or Full.there was a bowl of chips and Nuts.both were half empty.and now they were debating on what to do now.

"So what now?"Sakuma asked,cup in hand.
"Karaoke?"Genda Suggested,leaning back into the chair."No thanks,I don't want to hear you guys fail at singing at 12 in the morning"Fudou
Joked."There's a dart board over there,we could play that"Endou said gesturing to the dart board across the room."we've had more drinks than we should have,I'm sure we won't be able to even hit the board."Kidou Said.
"How About KingsGame?"Gouenji Suggested.
"KingsGame?"Endou said,his head tilted sideways."it's like a more advanced version of truth or dare,except there's no truth just dare"
Gouenji explained."Sounds fun,why not"Fudou said as he finished his 9th glass of the night.

Gouenji got out a red cup with 6 Chopsticks inside."Ok Everyone get one and I'll Get the last one""Where did you keep that?"Kidou asks "Don't Question it"Gouenji says.Everyone got a stick and Gouenji got the last one."Who got the red one?"Gouenji asked."I Did"Genda said raising his stick as evidence"No.2 Has to kiss No.4 Anywhere"Genda Says,and Fudou smirks"So....."Endou Starts a slight blush on his cheeks"Whose 2?"Kidou raises his hand."Well don't Make us wait,Kiss him!"Fudou says.Kidou blushes and looks to Fudou as to say'Shut Up'.
He gets up and slowly walks to Endou and holds out his hand"Endou, Give me your hand"Endou hesitates But raises his hand to place on Kidou's.Kidou leans down and kisses the back of Endou's Hand before letting go and walking back to his seat a clear blush on his face.(Let me,I love Enki)

"Next round!"Gouenji says as everyone places back their sticks and gets new ones"Who is the King now?"Endou Asks.Fudou Raises his hand"I Am"The room is silent."We're fucked"Someone whispers and because of how dead silent it is everyone heared it."No.5 has to sit on my lap" Fudou Said.The room grew quieter,everyone stared at the Brunette."Whose No.5"Endou says the tension slowly dissolved."I-I am"
Sakuma said Raisin his stick"Well?im waiting" Fudou Smirks and Sakuma looked to the floor as he got up and walked to Fudou."I Hate you" He whispered as he sat down on Fudou's Lap.
"I Love You Too~"Fudou said Wrapping his Arms around Sakuma's waist and his head on the side of his shoulder.Sakuma blushed like Crazy.

This is gonna be a long night

(It's Bad I Know,But I'm Rushing)

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