Scene 5 - Rescued

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Ian is intrigued by what is behind that heavy vault-like door, carefully making his approach, he opens the door, only to be horrified when he discovers two bodies of Zach and Malcom. Jumping into the chamber, Ian checks whether the two could still be alive, but unlikely – and they are dead. Without warning, the chamber slammed with a huge crash, locking Ian inside. He rushes over to the door and relies on one he has walked straight into a trap. Outside the vault, Barton, looking very pale and very crazed, activates the melting unit as the controls show the machine operating. It has control which shows that the chamber is filling up, but the red symbolizer hasn't started moving up yet, even though he knows Ian is inside and the machine is registering him as a life sign. Also, a red lever has been pulled down as it sounds down the engines slightly, which makes the ice of the planet heat up later but for now, is steady enough.  Inside Ian begins to panic that something is going on, but he doesn't know what, so he just tries to keep calm as much as he could. Barton looks proud at his actions, but then he hears the calls of The Doctor and quickly hides for cover.


Chesterton? Chesterton my dear boy, where are you?

The Doctor enters the gigantic conversion room after he passes through the sliding doors and is amazed at the sight.

Good gracious. Absolutely splendid.

He spots the control console where it is registering a life sign in the chamber and quickly reacts to the systems. Once The Doctor rushes over to the controls, the cowardly Barton, thinking that there is no hope for Ian inside the chamber, quietly escapes through the conveniently simple sliding doors. The time lord turns around when he hears the sound.

Hello? Is that you Ian?

Remembering the short amount of time he has left to save Ian, he turns back to the complex control panel and is able to shut down the machine. Rushing to the huge vault door, The Doctor uses all his strength to open the chamber's door. He and Ian are more than delighted to greet each other after The Doctor saved Ian.

Ian! My dear boy.


Doctor, how did you find me?


Elementary my dear Ian.


Thanks for saving my life, I'm grateful.


Yes, if I hadn't had come in a few seconds you would have been reduced to a liquid, that's what this machine does. After absorbing all of the planet's materials it is transported into this machine where it is all reduced to a liquid and pumped somewhere else to the ship for storage. Well, as I deduced from the machinery there.


So I could have been part of a liquid substance made from materials from Venus.


Yes, you could have. Now after this little incident, we must return to the girls, they'll be wandering where we are.


Oh just a minute Doctor. I would like you to come and take a look in here first.




Yes. Before I was locked in here I discovered two bodies, come and see.


Alright alright.

Ian helps the Doctor inside, they are both standing by the entrance of the exit and look down with regret at the two bodies.

Poor souls, they are dead aren't they?


No pulse.

The Doctor, followed by Ian, puzzled by this climb back out of the chamber and begins to do some thinking.


Hmm. You know Chesterton, I believe that they have just been disposed of in there. Therefore this is no accident and we have just stumbled onto a scene of a crime here.


Well whoever was going to dispose of those two bodies by melting them was just about to do the same for me too.


And another thing, when I was shutting down the machine I heard the door suddenly open and someone left, so that could only have been our murderer.


And now he has just made a break for it. Well the only thing we can do now is to report this to whoever is running this drilling base, although they may think we did it, it's better than walking away from this and letting a killer loose.


Quite right dear boy, I have done this situation time and time again so we'll get out of it ok. Now, come along.

As they make their move, the sliding door re-opens again, but this time Barbara and Vicki enter with disappointed looks, because behind them are three men and leading them is a vicious-looking Tyler. The Doctor and Ian turn to each other like naughty schoolboys who know they are in trouble.

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