Scene 2 - The ice begins to melt

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The ice is beginning to melt into natural sea water as a result of Barton's first bomb. It stretches right across the rest of the planet and over to the drilling ship where it is already having an effect. Inside the Command Centre though, the systems present Grace and The Captain with how the ice is melting and affecting the ship as the crew begin to become tenser.


Can't we take off in the ship?


No because our drills have dug right down to the bottom of the sea's depths, so we can't dig up our drills that quickly.


But we must do something quickly.


What does this show then Grace?


The ice is melting and melting quickly, I estimate that if we aren't out of this soon then we'll be under within an hour at the most.


(Uncomforted) Right.

The Doctor is thinking hard to himself about what should happen next.


Why of course, of course, of course!


(To Vicki and Barbara) Everything is ok when The Doctor's got an idea


Yes, yes, anything may help.


Well I've been thinking it over and I've got an idea. Before we do anything that may help the first ice break, we need to stop Barton at all costs, because as you say; with the west side of the complex down to, we'll just sink to the bottom.


You're not suggesting going after Barton Doctor?


Yes, I know it sounds dangerous and he is a serial killer, but if it saves the west side from being blown up.


It is the only thing we can do to stop him Noah.


Well, you'd better go then. Tyler, you go with them.


Don't worry sir, I will see to it that they don't play any tricks with their accomplice - Barton.


Are you still suggesting that we are in league with Barton?


Just go, you haven't got a moment to spare.


Right, come along. Oh, and by the way Captain, we have our own spacesuits in our craft.


Come on Doctor.


Yes, yes.

All five of them speed out like a bullet. The main controls quickly slide open to allow the TARDIS crew and Tyler to sprint to the airlock. The ice begins to crack up, even more, the drilling complex can take the punishment for now, but not for long. On the planet's surface, Barton is approaching the west section of the sea, where he is carrying his ticking bomb to place and blow up the section of ice. Charging into the storage unit again, The Doctor, followed by Barbara, Vicki and Ian tailing behind, rush into the storage unit as the doors slide to the side for the time travellers to rush in, all out of breath.


Tyler has already gone to the airlock to put on a spacesuit, I told him that we will be joining him soon.

The Doctor successfully unlocks the TARDIS doors, sprinting into the control room followed by the others. After entering the control room in a rush, the others catch their breath whilst The Doctor rushes over to a wooden box placed in the corner where nobody would notice as it is practically hidden, he raises it open, revealing four spacesuits with a similar design to the suits from The Moonbase (1967).


Quickly, put these on.

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