Scene 7 - Barton's return

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The complex is now balancing off a thread on the metallic ice, the melting water continually crashes onto the dome containing the Command Centre, the rest of the metal has now either melted to a liquid or is now very nearly to that point. In the control centre, the sensor detects a life sign that is entering the ship, although he is not wearing his identification on his belt, it registers him as "imposter", Grace alerts the Captain.


Captain! I think Barton has entered back into the ship.


Right! We'll be ready for him!


Should I get down to the melting unit and stand by.


No. We need the element of surprise, but what we can do is alert The Doctor and Tyler.


Command Centre to Tyler, Command Centre to Tyler, come in please.

Activating the hologram, she calls Tyler's party and reports after the fuzzy communication reaches him as we see on the computer's systems.


Command Centre receiving you, how are you lasting out?


We've got about ten minutes left at the most, we have been lucky so far. I'm letting you know that Barton has just returned to the ship, so watch out for any traps.


When we've got The Doctor, we have nothing to fear.

In the empty Melting Unit, Barton enters through the mechanical sliding doors as we still hear the crunching and cracking of the metal beneath the complex. He cautiously turns from side to side holding a gun in his hand before making a place for him to hide as cover. With The Captain and Grace hovering over the controls, they contact The Doctor and Tyler once again, because they have passed out of the airlock.


Get me Tyler and The Doctor on the line at once Grace.


Yes sir. Calling Tyler, this is Command Centre, come in please.

There is another fuzz of the network to communicate over to Tyler's radio, but it rectifies itself and this time, brings an image of Tyler, The Doctor and all his friends.


Tyler here. We have just left the airlock now Grace.


Here, give me that. Tyler, Doctor, the rest of you, Barton is in the Melting Unit again and I want you to proceed with extreme caution when you enter.


Now look dear sir, I don't take orders from anyone...


Well some of us do Doctor, please continue Captain.


Yes so, you will proceed to the Melting Unit and you must kill Barton. I repeat, kill.

There is a sudden crunch of the metal which knocks every one of their feet onto the complex's side, they recover after the massive shack-up.


Another crack!


We're going!


No, we're hanging in there. Just.


We've got no choice now, kill or be killed.


That's why you must get to the Melting Unit as soon as possible.


Yes sir!


Very well, but only for everyone's sake.

Grace then turns down the radio, switching it off. Noah, who had the most impact, gets up and addresses the Captain eagerly.


Captain sir. With due respect sir. I would like to go down and help with the situation down there. I would like to see some action and, well... They need me, as like backup or something. So, may I please go down sir?


I'm sorry Noah, but as you can see we are in a desperate situation here and you are needed here.


(Disappointed) Very good sir.

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