💍since when!💍

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Mikasa pov.

So apparently while I was in the root anbu a lot happened my seniors anko and Ibiki are now married? I know both of them from doing odd missions with them Ibiki was in the anbu under the hokage and anko was a jonin and still is. we get paired up occasionally when doing random things for the hokage, Ibiki and I were matched up on several occasions due to a lack of shinobi after the war and the root anbu and anbu joined forces for a while. I met anko when on a mission to supervise some reckless jonin on a sacred mission, from behind the scenes of course but I saved their Butt's so many times I just joined their team for a while.

But marriage them two I can't see it, well I can, but I can't. They're both sadists and I honestly believe one day one of them will become the head of the torture and interrogation unit most likely Ibiki, I'd be surprised if anko ever makes it past jonin not because of her skill, I reckon her skill surpasses it but because of her behaviour I think that would hold her back.

Kakashi said they've been together for years ever since the academy but I never knew this they've been engaged for a year according to Kakashi but then again I suppose I would know this as I've never actually we spent that much time with them though we've always got a long especially me and Ibiki, we'd both usually control missions together or train violently, where as me and anko never see each other unless it's when I take Itachi and shisui to get dangos. It wasn't till the other day that I was given an invitation I didn't even know they were a thing.

"Are you ready?" Kakashi asked as he knocked on my door loudly, saying I open the door as a gesture a yes. When I walked out I've never seen a boy stop and stare so much, he was speechless as his eyes danced around my body effortlessly. He blinked and smile before saying "you look beautiful very beautiful" I blushed a crimson red as my eyes started to the floor in embarrassment I smile and muttered a small thanks in return.

 He blinked and smile before saying "you look beautiful very beautiful" I blushed a crimson red as my eyes started to the floor in embarrassment I smile and muttered a small thanks in return

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(This is how she looks I'm just bad at art)

Kakashi and I hadn't attended the ceremony that was because we had a late mission, we finished it a fast as possible of course , but when we got back it was already half way through and we thought we shouldn't interrupt so instead we came back to the house and got into our clothes quickly after showering a course because he smelled of sweat as expected after an assassination mission, the mission didn't go as smoothly as hoped but I'll talk to him about that later after all I need to know what he can't use his to chidori.

Kakashi offered me his hand which I took awkwardly as he led me out the house and down towards a beautifully decorated venue when entering we discovered we were still late but no one seemed to notice except for kuranai who was the first one over to us and she wasted no time to point out our hands which I quickly withdrew from his.

"There's something between you two I knew it!" she said with a laugh as asuma put his arm around her shoulders I blushed deeply "there's nothing between us" I assured as Kakashi looked to the side sadly. "I'm sure" kuranai said sarcastically, before pulling Kakashi and I to the dance floor where a slow song was being played, she then left us to dance with her lover leaving me and Kakashi awkwardly stood in the middle.

He offered his hand to me with I took knowing it'd be rude not to dance and just stand In the middle of everyone else dancing. Kakashi and I then danced for a while and as the song came to an end I instantly let go and went to find the newly wedded.
"Wow Ibiki, you seem to scary for love but you two suit your both as crazy as each other" I stated as I handed him a glass of wine.
"Thanks I think. Can we be expecting a wedding off our favourite anbu couple any time soon?" Ibiki asked with his attempt at a smile which was just scary.
In my mind I quickly brainstormed everybody ambu who was in the room right now and I came out with: me, Kakashi and yamato along with so I'd never met.
"Kakashi and I aren't in a relationship" I said downing my own wine in one gulp.
"Me and anko used to say that" Ibiki said as he walked away.

I looked over at Kakashi who was talking to gai and I felt every emotion I knew come crashing on me at once mainly my love for the silver haired ninja but I knew I could act, not yet.

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