🍊SeNpAi 🍊

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2 months pregnant (7 weeks). Also, includes swearing, so read at your own risk.

Mika Pov: 

Orochimaru is on a separate mission to me today, a solo mission, so I've been paired with Tobi for the day, he doesn't have a partner as he isn't an official member so he just floats around groups, I've just got the funniest feeling I've met him before. 

"Mika-senpai! Senpai! senpai!" he said repetitively and I looked at him a little board "What is it Tobi?"I asked tired of his high pitched noises, at first I didn't care, but I'm three hours in and my head is throbbing.

"Where are we going" He asked as he span himself around in a circle before falling flat on his bum. "There are some ninja in the sand, they are guarding a scroll we need, we either kill them or sneak in unnoticed and get the scroll" I explained as we carried on walking. "Oh which will we choose senpai?" He asked very loudly, this guy can't complete a sneak mission and I cant put my child at risk "Kill, obviously, we are criminals after all" I effortlessly stated while wincing at my own words... This isn't who I am. 

We arrived at the sand and crept our way through the Kazakage's building, with Tobi commonly messing up and making noise, every time I winced, he wasn't to good at this quiet thing. We soon reached the right room and I closed my eyes for a second while Tobi counted to 100 in his head like I told him too, there are 4 anbu in the room, whatever is in that scroll, is important. I weaved my way into the room, concealing my chakra and Tobi did the same going in the opposite direction, he was suddenly surprisingly serious and good at his job. We hadn't been noticed yet, they were busy pointing something out that was outside, laughing at something would be more accurate.

I plunged my sword into the back of the one with the highest chakra signature when Tobi slit one of their throats the other two span around and looked at us one looked at our cloaks and muttered "Akatsuki" before the sword was out of his friend in seconds and in him, the last remaining one threw a kunai at  Tobi which passed straight threw him, making my eyes widen in shock, for a second before I got my head in the game and killed the final ninja, god for anbu they were pathetic, I glanced out the window to see a child sat on the sandy floor cuddling a brown teddy bear, the kid had red hair, he couldn't have been older than Sasuke or Naruto and he was in tears... The anbu were laughing at a child, disgraceful. 

I looked over at Tobi who pocketed the scroll before saying "Where to next SeNpAi" I sighed at the high pitched voice before looking at the clock on the wall, it was 9 pm, I knew we should never have set out so late, but Deidara was winding Tobi up making him sulk. 

"It's getting late, we should book a hospital room, normally I'd suggest we set up camp, but as soon as somebody finds these bodies, we'll have people looking for us, so camping puts us at risk" I explained as I opened the window and jumped out of it, not feeling like sneaking back around the building. I landed in front of the kid and approached him he looked up at me scared and his grip subconsciously gripped his teddy. 

"What are you doing out so late?" I asked kindly as Tobi span around in circles behind me, probably scaring the young child.

"Papa doesn't want to see me tonight, because the girl's mom I tried to give medicine to complained about me being near her daughter, I... I just wanted to help" He explained between sobs making my heart break a little, his chakra is out the roof, he's being treated like this because he's a jincuriki, of the first tails, if the information on what village has which beast is correct.

"Come on kid, you can stay with us tonight" I said kindly offering my hand out to him which he hesitantly took and followed a loud noisy Tobi and me to a hotel room where we asked for 3 beds, they were oddly all placed in the same room. We ordered pizza, ate and got ready for bed when Tobi yelled "Story time! Mika tell us a story" I looked at him plainly, about to say no when I saw Gaara's eyes, he looked excited and happy, the only none dull emotion I've seen in his eyes since we got here. I picked Gaara up and tucked him in his bed and sat on the edge of Tobi's bed so I could see them both.

"Once in a beautiful village there were four young ninja, fresh out of the academy, their names were R-Rin Nohara, Kakashi Hatake, Mikasa Fernandez and O-Obito Uchiha, they were placed on a team under Minato Namikaze, he's now the fourth hokage, which was his life long dream. We began off as a messy team, Rin and Mika said they were friends yet they didn't talk, Obito loved Rin, but she loved Kakashi, she was always focused on him, Mika and Kakashi never got along, he always called her weak, but one day things changed, Mika and Kakashi stopped hating each other and returned to the friends the used to be in their child hood, Obito began trying to understand Kakashi, he was truly a kind Uchiha, but we went on a mission, It was Kakashi's first mission as captain and as jonin, and something tragic happened, Rin got captured, she was a medic ninja so she should have been treated well, but Kakashi and Obitio fought, this of course was nothing unusual, but the rules of a ninja say to leave them, this is a stupid rule, but based of the past Kakashi believed in it, Obitio didn't he said, those who break the rules are scum but those who abandon the their friends are worse then scum, he was a hero, he saved Rin, and he actually convinced Kakashi to help, Kakashi's eye was struck, losing his eye and a cave collapsed around them, and Obito died, he gave his newfound sharingan to Kakashi, as  gift for becoming jonin, that is the story of my best friends heroic actions in the third ninja war" I explained and I tucked Gaara into bed.

"Mika, if he survived, what would he look like?" Gaara asked with a yawn as Tobi stayed unusually quiet.

"Well, he gave his right eye to Kakashi, so he would only have his left eye, he'd have a sharingan in it, he would probably hide his face from the accident based of his pride, and he would have black hair, probably unruly hair based of how it used to be" I explained as Gaara drifted off before my eyes landed on Tobi. 

"Fuck" I muttered as ll the pieces fit together in my mind, that time I saw him on the boat, that time I saw a single sharingan when training, that time I was in a genjutsu for no reason "You never died, you've always been there" I muttered looking at him as tears began rolling down my cheeks. 

And for the first time in months 'Tobi' didn't have anything to say,

"You left us! I cried over you! I left team Minato and join the root because it was painful to stay without you! Kakashi had to go through therapy because of you, did you even care? Did you ever care about how we feel about losing you? Rin was devastated!" I asked in a sharp tone, trying not to raise my voice as Gaara was still asleep, but I was fuming.

"I didn't want to come back, not after I saw Kakashi kill Rin, the leaf was not longer my home without her" I couldn't help but be furious with that answer, in a second I was sat on his stomach, my hand on his throat and my other hand ripped his mask from his face.

"Sorry lover boy, but Rin loved Kakashi, you couldn't change that, you wasted your life on her. Literally! She didn't give a rats ass about you till you were 'dead' and she made that a competition with me! If we gave up everything because a loved on died we wouldn't make it far in this life! I moved on when you and Rin died, and yes it fucking hurt like a bitch but I moved on! I didn't let my world end and you know what! I'm a fucking great anbu captain, I have an amazing husband and I'm pregnant with his child! I didn't let my world end! I gave my everything to make the two of you proud... It just turns out... you never cared" I angrily said before my words became weaker and I couldn't hold back the tears and more, the grip I had on his throat loosened , but he didn't move out or brushed me away, he just looked at me carefully.

"Kakashi... He was my idol, he was so strong, so cool, but my idol killed Rin in cold blood, you'd never understand" he said lowly, looking everywhere but my eyes.

"but Kakashi would... for 2 years after that happened, he woke up in a cold sweat, he'd cry and shake, he couldn't use his chidori, he was haunted by it, she jumped in front of his attack, it wasn't murder, it was suicide, I know its hard... but come back, rin wouldn't be happy knowing your here" I stated a lot calmer than originally.

"If i go back, you go back, you realise your rogue right" he stated jokingly.

"Next month, lets go home together?" I asked and he nodded cautiously.

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