🍪Oreo's discovery🍪

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Mika pov:

I'e been in the Akatsuki for around a month now and every Saturday I've written a report and had it sent to the leaf discretely, I've .also somehow became best friends with Kisame, he's actually a pretty cool guy, I just wonder how he ended up in this group, he would have served better staying in the mist.

 Orochimaru and I have been walking in silence for at least two hours by now he kept glancing at me but never said anything, he does this every mission we've been on, and it was beginning to annoy me. I kicked the dirt a little as we continued on our way, our mission was relatively similar to ones you receive in the leaf, this mission is an assassination mission, but unlike the leaf, I can't guarantee it's for the correct reasons. Orochimaru's eyes flicked towards me again and I flipped.

"What!" I asked obviously annoyed crossing my arms under my breasts and glaring at him making him look at me shocked for a second before he answered.

"You're an impossible child" His lips held a smirk and his eyes held curiosity before moving towards me and placing a hand on my cheek and looking at my eyes. "Excuse me?" I asked rather rudely.

"You, a Fernandez, it's practically impossible, they all died twenty-one years ago, yet here you are, I've seen you use your eyes, there's no doubt you're one of them, but the only one alive in the last 30 years was Erina Fernandez, my wife, she was pregnant before she died, that is why, you are an impossible child" He stated looking me up and down.

"You bare an uncanny resemblance to her, there is no doubt you are her child, and that means, you Mikasa, are my child" He finished, before waiting for my response. I stared at him shocked it, it was only a matter of time till he found out but so soon...

"Impressive, surprising it took you so long" I said with a carefree expression, some part of me hoped he wouldn't find out, but another part of me craved it. 

"I wish I knew you existed, I would have raised you myself, I'm annoyed this was kept from me, by the third no doubt" He began sincerely before saying "So tell me, without a mother, without a father, who raised you" I looked at the floor sadly.

"Nobody, I never met mom, and I was under the impression you were dead until I became an anbu captain at age 16, I was under the thirds protection and he was my official carer until I was 5 but Sakumo Hatake was more of a father to me than anybody ever was, but he died, suicide because of the villages flawed system of leaving comrades behind, then they gave me an allowance and a home, I was 5, no knowledge of being an adult, yet I was forced to grow up, nobody knew who my parents were but anbu and select jonin, but nobody would tell me anything, just they died protecting the village" I explained fiddling with my sleeve, I know he's a criminal, but I can't help but tell him this, he's my father and a part of me wants him to act like the father I never had the chance of being with.

Orochimaru sighed and looked at me before saying with a small smile lacing his lips"Erina, she was a stubborn woman, always trying to be the best ninja she could be, she made me a better person, she made me want to do good by her and by the village, she was as beautiful as they come, long raven hair that reached her waist, although her eyes were like you could see all the stars that ever existed. She was kind, too kind for her own good, I can say you have that same issue too, you aren't in this organisation because you want to be, but because you have to be, did the third or fourth send you?" he stated a bit more seriously at the end as his eyes flickered to my stomach then to my hand where my rings were.

"What makes you say that?" I asked that trying to stall while I decided if I should or shouldn't tell him.

"You're married, you don't take the rings off implying it's important to you or he's dead, i know its a he, because you're eating for two" he stated effortlessly.

"Eating for two?" I muttered aloud.

"You weren't aware I see, Mikasa, you are with child, you threw up the last 3 or 4 mornings, you snap at people randomly after being cool one moment, hence mood swings, you're eating 10% more than when you joined the Akatsuki, I would say you're about a month along" He explained effortlessly as he walked towards the destination we were originally heading, I subconsciously rested a hand over my stomach, am I really carrying Kakashi's child...?

"So my dear, that leaves the question, why are you in the Akatsuki, don't worry about me leaking it to Pein, I intend leaving this organisation soon anyways, and as your new found father, I will help you get out when it's needed" He explained without even looking at me and I sighed before saying "Lord Danzo has sent me on a mission under the root anbu to gather information on the root, however if what you say is true, and that I'm pregnant, I will be forced to abandon the mission before I can uncover any information worth while" I explained a little annoyed all my time here will go to waste, I needed their end goal, but I will have to leave before the 6 months are up, in order to protect mini Hatake.

"A spy I see, well then, I will give you all the information you require after the mission is over" He stated and I nodded with a light smile on my face as Orochimaru returned to silence and headed towards our destination.

When we got there the main we were after was sat in a room with numerous other men playing a card game with high stakes. I walked over to them and dumped a load of money on the table as Orochimaru sat at a different table keeping an eye on things. "Count me in" I said in an innocent clueless voice, putting on that I didn't actually know how to play. The men smiled at me and invited me to the game, I lost the first three rounds and pouted and put in a final bid, a high bid and they all laughed but let me do it, I then won and left the bar with all their money, two of them soon followed me with the intent of beating me up for hustling them.

"Sorry boys, I won fair and square" I said with a pout as they pulled their weapons out, Sighing I pulled my kunai out and got into a fighting stance, they were distracted analysing me when Orochimaru stabbed them both through the stomach and I winked at them as they took their last breaths before splitting their money evenly with Orochimaru, even though it wasn't apart of the mission, I still won it. 

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