👻From Kinoe To Tenzo👻

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2 years after the attack, Mika and Kakashi are 18

Mika pov:

I stood quietly in the hokage's office as I stared at Minato who was writing something down. He then looked up at me and sighed.

"I need you to deliver this to Danzo-Dono, he won't be happy but it's whats right" I nodded and gave him a curt nod before accepting the scroll and teleporting to Danzo-Dono, I landed before him in a bowing position before he gestured for me to get up, I placed the scroll in his hand and waited close by for a scroll to return. 

Danzo's eyes scanned over the paper, each word he took in lit a spark of anger in his eyes he slammed his fist into the wall causing it to crack into many pieces I just watched the scene unfold before Danzo grumbled "Two of my best ninja" he then chucked me the scroll for me to read.

Under orders of the fourth hokage, Minato Namikaze, I demand you release Kinoe, a boy of age 12 with the wood style and Mikasa Fernandez from your organisation, these ninja would serve best under the direct anbu, thank you very much, Minato

My eyes widened reading it, I'm leaving the root? I looked up at Danzo with tears brimming in my eyes, I had so many good memories here, Danzo treated me like a daughter, the people here treated me like an equal, I had friends here... In team Minato, I always trailed behind the others, I was ALWAYS the disposable one, in the academy I was always picked last for teams, here I'm a friend, I'm respected, people ask me to help them and I ask them to help me, I don't fear the social contacts, I don't worry about being judged, I simply am myself. 

I ran over to Danzo and hugged him as I sobbed, I wasn't ready to leave my home behind. Danzo wrapped his one free arm around me to return the hug before I muttered thank you's for being my father figure and helping me up after Obitio, I thanked him for the training and the friends he helped me make.

I left the Root Anbu head quarters for the final time, handing in my cloak before heading over to the hokage's office with Kinoe at my side we headed up the mass amount of stairs in silence, I was morning the loss of the root, but Kinoe had been trying to leave for a while now. We stepped into the office and bowed, my eyes were red and puffy from crying and Minato instantly noticed, he was going to ask me if i was okay when I shot him a cold powerful glare making him close his mouth, he had no right to take me out the root.

"Kinoe, I want to place you in Mika's anbu squad, your new code name will be Tenzo, I'm sure you'll be a great ninja" Kinoe/ Tenzo was given a new mask, but I, I kept my owl one, Tenzo was being given the run down of his new position and I left, I wanted to go to bed. 

I got in the house to find Kakashi cooking I crept up behind him concealing my chakra before I hugged him from behind scaring him and making him drop the spatula he used to stir the meat on the stove. He picked it back up, ignoring my hug and continued with his cooking, I rested my head on his shoulder taking in his scent before saying with evident sadness in my voice "Minato took me out of the root, I'm a full time anbu captain now" Kakashi got used to the idea of me being in the root and became accepting of it, supporting me, he knows how much it means to me. Kakashi turned around and hugged me knowing this will hit me hard, tears silently flowed from my eyes hitting his shoulder, he didn't say anything he just stroked my hair as I wept. It wasn't fair, I've been there for years and formed bonds, why do I have to leave everybody for no reason!

When Kakashi finally let me go he lightly brushed his lips against my forehead before trying to save the now burning food. "Kinoe , i mean Tenzo is now on our anbu squad, he's a wood style user, but I fear he's too young for this line of work"

Meanwhile in the Uchiha Compound, Itachi's pov:

I was sat on the cushion next to father at an Uchiha meeting I quietly listened to everything that was said. 

"They shunned us to the edge of the village!"

"They blame us for the 9 tails attack!"

"We should over throw the hokage!" 

My eyes widened in shock and I looked at my father who sighed before raising his hand for silence.

"Lord third is the one who did all of that, Minato Namikaze is much more understanding of us, he's allowing Uchiha in the anbu, just like Shisui, who is to sit the entrance exam next week, a few of you here are anbu, Sho, Kyo and Makitisu, and many more, the village is beginning to open up to us, lets not throw that trust away so soon, a coup would mean innocent dead, in the Uchiha and villagers, and we aren't the only clan out there, it would make many enemy's, don't be so rash" He stated shutting down any idea's of rebelling and I let out a sigh of relief.

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