just fall in love with me, this christmas

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~sunday, the 23rd of december~

Amanda woke up with the faint memory of Louis saying the "L" word last night. She smiled, looking up at Louis' soft, sleepy face, looking so so beautiful. He always looked so young and soft, but handsome and she loved every bit about him. Amanda knew she loved him, and now she knew he loved her just the same. She reached out and carefully touched his cheek, and Louis woke up slowly, blinking at her until he grinned.

"Hey," Amanda whispered.

"Morning, love," He whispered as he attempted to stretch in the tiny twin bed. Amanda blushed, feeling so warm in his arms. Louis smiled down at her, "What?"

"Nothing..." Amanda mumbles, "I love you too, you know?" Louis looked at her and couldn't hold back a huge smile as he realized she had heard him last night. Louis leaned forward and kissed Amanda's lips gently.

"I love you," He murmured and cuddled close to Amanda. Suddenly, Amanda's makeshift door was shoved to the side by Zachary.

"Amanda!" He shouted before quickly turning around.

"Zack! Get the hell out of here!" Amanda shouted at him.

"Stop that, Amanda!" Zack yelled back and Amanda groaned, as Zack was still in her room, just facing away from them. Amanda huffed.

"What do you want, Zachary?" Amanda snapped.

"Mom made breakfast, get out here," Zack told them, before stepping out. "And get off my sister!" Louis laughed and Amanda just groaned and got out of bed.

"He's such an asshole," Amanda groaned. Louis laughed loudly and joined Amanda to get dressed for the day.

As they ate breakfast with Amanda's family, including Zack's wife and daughter, it all felt like something Amanda could be doing for years. It felt familiar and so comfortable for Louis to make jokes with Mike and bicker playfully with Zack, and make cute, funny faces at Julie. Amanda felt like she hadn't stopped smiling in weeks, which was somewhat true.

"Amanda, will you help Zack shovel the driveway?" Jen asked, as they cleaned up after breakfast. Amanda groaned, but she agreed.

"I'll help," Louis told her.

They got dressed up in hats, coats, and mittens before heading out with shovels. It had snowed another foot and half through the night, so there was a lot to get done. Before they could even start shoveling, Louis packed snow into a ball and threw it right at Zack's back.

"Hey!" Zack shouted, turning around to see Louis smirking and Amanda practically in tears from laughing. "Oh, you're dead! Both of you!" Zack packed up a snowball and threw it right at Louis' head. Amanda quickly packed a ball of snow up and chucked it at her brother as hard as she could. This turned into a ruthless snow fight, Zack versus Louis and Amanda, back and forth, filling the air with laughter and shouts.

Finally, Mike came out and broke up the snowball fight so they would actually get started on shoveling the snow. They surrendered and started work on shoveling the walkway along with the driveway. Eventually, Ally and Niall came out in their coats and mittens to help them finish the job. Amanda was freezing cold and damp everywhere but it was the most fun she'd ever had shoveling snow when she was alongside Louis. Louis wouldn't stop making jokes about anything possible, making even Zack laugh with everyone else while Louis just grins.

An hour later, they piled into Ally's house to drink hot chocolate and warm up. Today was another day of relaxing and watching Christmas movies that they didn't really like but, it's Christmas, what else is there to do? As Niall and Ally went to go put a movie on, Louis pulled Amanda into a hug while they waited for the water to boil for hot cocoa.

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