Chapter 29

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Percy's p.o.v
I woke up and three guards were standing in front of us. They grabbed us by the arms and threw us into a room. I turned around and banged on the door. "Percy" my mom said breathlessly. I turned around to face her when I spotted someone in the middle of the floor chained to the ground. It was annabeth. I ran as fast as I could towards her but I hit an invisible wall. "Nooo!" I screamed. Annabeth looked up. Her face filled with worry "Percy why aren't you safe!" She asked me. Before I could answer the man walked into the room with an evil grin. I wanted to kill him. He knelt down by annabeth  and lifted her chin up. Anger boiled in my chest but I couldn't move. He looked at me "ah I see you decided to join us huh, finally I can make you pay for everything you've done. Do you know how many you've killed, my family and friends.  Well I'm gonna make you feel the same pain I felt. He walked over and flipped a switch. On he said before flipping it. The shackles turned bright orange and annabeth screamed in pain. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" I screamed running towards her, only to be stopped by the force field. He cranked it up and her screams began more intense. I couldn't live anymore. My heart was beating out of my chest. I screamed in anger and in my surprised summoned the water inside me. It felt like I was ripping myself apart but I didn't care. Water built up in my hands and glowed blue. I screamed and charged towards him. I hit the force field and broke it. Then I grabbed riptide and plunged it through the mans heart. I ran towards the switch and turned it off. Annabeth stopped screaming, she was passed out from the pain. I ran to her and wrapped my arms around her. "It's gonna be okay" I choked out as I kissed her limp forehead. I felt like passing from overuse of power out I had to get through it for annabeth. If we got to the water I could restore my power so I wouldn't die and try to heal annabeth. "We have to get to the water" I choked out. I picked her up bridal style and found a way out of the building water hitting everyone I looked at. You don't mess with me when I'm angry. We ran outside and I closed my eyes. I sensed that the closest ocean was about 29 miles away. I let out a sharp whistle and I soon found blackjack and Arion at my side. "Get on!" I screamed as I got in blackjack with annabeth. Paul and my mom got on arion. I propped annabeth up against me so she wouldn't fall. "Go!" I screamed at the horses and they speed off. We were there in about 3 minutes. I ran into the waves and sighed. I focused all the energy of the sea on annabeth attempting to heal her. Her eyes fluttered open and she coughed. I carried her to the sand and laid her down. "Percy" she said in a hurt voice. My heart broke. I wrapped my arms around her and didn't let go. I started crying from relief, so did she.

Sally's p.o.v
I just watched them. Holding each other crying, their foreheads pressed up against each other's. This is what their life must be like. I was traumatized already from what I just saw but this was worse. Percy was so... so broken without her. And now that's she okay he's just. I can't explain it.

Hope you enjoyed
Srry this chapter was kinda a downer

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