Chapter 16

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annbeths p.o.v

Percy ran to tell Chiron that we were leaving for his moms house and we're gonna be gone for a while. I was really excited. I was walking back to my cabin to pack when I heard a noise behind me. I turned around. Something shuffled behind me. I pulled out my dagger and stood in an alert position. "Arghhhh!" Someone screamed as they popped out at me. I stepped back looking at who it was. "Piper!" I screamed. I ran and gave her a hug. "Aw man I was trying to scare you." she said. I laughed. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I dunno, I missed you, and I need some advice I didn't know who else to go to." She said. "Yeah anything for you pipes, cmon to my cabin." We sat on my bed, I looked around. We were the only ones in the cabin. "Ok spill"I said. I could tell she looked nervous. "Um annabeth you and Percy have done it right?" I blushed, and started getting the tiniest bit uncomfortable. But piper needed me for who knows what. I cleared my throat. "Yeah we have, why" I asked. "Because.." she paused. "I'm scared" she said.
"Why?" I asked
"it's just, Jason and I haven't done it yet, and like how do you know it's gonna happen." She said.
I'n all the time I have known piper I've never seen her like this. I've known her as a fierce fighter, the daughter of the goddess of love for gods sakes, I thought she would be the master on love and stuff.
"Pipes" I said reassuring. I had to be honest with her. "You never know exactly when it's gonna happen. But like there are things that happen leading up to it." I told her.
"Like what?" She asked.
"Well like there was a lot of tension, like leading up to it. Like a peck on the lips would turn into a heated makeout. Sometimes we couldn't get ourselves to stop,"
Piper just looked at me.
"Piper how old are you again?" I asked.
"16" she said.
I forgot how old she was. She was only 14 when she first arrived at camp.
"Yeah that's how old we were when we first did it" I told her. "But piper it's different for us, Percy and I have known each other since we were 12. We were best friends, and knew everything about each other. It was little things like when we were 12 and stuck in a dark cave and scared, we'd hold hands, to make sure we knew where each were. Or like when I was kidnapped by atlas Percy traveled across the world just to find me. Then he held the sky on his back. He suffered unbearable pain for me. Then we finally started dating. He had already known and loved every single part of me, it was meant to be." I paused. "What I'm trying to say is maybe piper if your not where Percy and I were maybe you should wait, we were really young." I stopped talking. I started thinking about what I had just said. Gods I loved Percy. "I'll be right back" I told her. I ran out of the cabin and dashed to the big house. I opened the door to find Percy and Chiron standing by the fire pit talking. I ran to Percy, cupped his face, and kissed him. I kissed him deeply, passionately. He finally realized what was happening and put his hands on my waist. Chiron didn't know what was happening, so he didn't say anything. After about 3 seconds I pulled away. He scanned my face. "I love you" I told him and smiled. Before he or Chiron could respond I ran out of the big house and back to my cabin.
"Where'd you go?" Piper asked me.
"Nowhere" I told her. "Hey thanks a lot annabeth this meant a lot." Piper was headed towards the door when I got up and grabbed her hand. "Pipes Jason's not pressuring you to do anything, right?" I asked her. "No" Piper responded looking me straight in the eyes. "Ok" I said. And with that she left.
   I packed for the next hour or so then got ready to meet Percy.

Hey sorry it took me a long time to write, I was really busy with school.
I promise I will update more.

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